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Need help: Showing a hint to one side only

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I'm making a sort of a quest multiplayer mission where two teams need to locate a laptop which will lead them to the next clue and so on...

If the _caller is west I want the hint to show to the west side players only etc.

I've already tried to apply my poor scripting skills and I'm not surprised it doesn't work. Any help is much appreciated!

I've placed a laptop with this in the init field:

this addAction ["Show me the hint", "Hint.sqf"];


private = ["_laptop","_caller","_unitside"];

_laptop = _this select 0;
_caller - _this select 1;
_unitside = side _caller;

switch (_unitside) do { 
case west:

{if (side player == west) then

	hint "Hint text here"; // script is supposed to check for a _caller side, then broadcast a hint to all players of the same side.
	hint "Blufor has located the laptop."; // this hint is supposed to appear for every player of the other side.

case east:

{if (side player == east) then

	hint "Hint text here";
	hint "Opfor has located the laptop.";


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Just a quick idea, something along the lines of the following should do it (cant test it)


this addAction ["Show me the hint", "LaptopFound.sqf"];  


_sideThatFoundLaptop = side _this select 1;

[[[_sideThatFoundLaptop],"hint.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;


if (!isDedicated) then

_unitside = _this select 0;

switch (_unitside) do {  
   case west: 

   {if (side player == west) then 

       hint "Hint text here"; // script is supposed to check for a _caller side, then broadcast a hint to all players of the same side. 
       hint "Blufor has located the laptop."; // this hint is supposed to appear for every player of the other side. 

   case east: 

   {if (side player == east) then 

       hint "Hint text here"; 
       hint "Opfor has located the laptop."; 


Should be enough to get you in the right direction at least

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Should be enough to get you in the right direction at least

Thank you! Bis_fnc_MP is definitely the way to go. Will try it out.

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this addAction ["Show me the hint", {["Hint.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",side (_this select 1)] call BIS_fnc_MP;}];

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this addAction ["Show me the hint", {["Hint.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",side (_this select 1)] call BIS_fnc_MP;}];

This worked like a charm, thanks!

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