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How to use the vehicleChat command?

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Hello guys,

I have a problem, since ArmA 3 something in the script i`m using, which worked fine in ArmA 2 OA, is broken. Simply its a vehicle Service Point Script which should display the Status of the Repair in the vehicleChat. As far as i know thats the only thing which is broken, but i can`t figure out how to use the command correct?

The Script i`m using:

_veh = (_this select 3) select 0;	

_drv = driver _veh;

if (_veh == _drv) then {
_drv groupChat "Das kannst du nur in einem Fahrzeug machen - This can only be done inside a vehicle.";

} else { if (_veh getVariable ["vehServiceActive", false]) then {
// already being serviced	
_veh vehicleChat "Dieses Fahrzeug wird bereits gewartet - This Vehicle is already being serviced.";	

} else {	

_veh setVariable ["vehServiceActive", true, true];
_veh vehicleChat "Das Fahrzeug wird repariert - This Vehicle is being repaired...";

_fuel = fuel _veh;
_veh setFuel 0;
waitUntil {sleep 1; (fuel _veh) == 0};

_dmg = getDammage _veh;	
_dmgPart = _dmg / 10;
_repairTime = 30 * _dmg;

if(!isMultiplayer) then {
	_repairTime = _repairTime / 10;

// Initiate Repairs

	sleep _repairTime;			
	_dmg = _dmg - _dmgPart;
	_veh setVehicleInit format["this setDamage %1;", _dmg];
	_veh vehicleChat format["Das Fahrzeug wird repariert - This Vehicle is being repaired... (%1%2)", _x, "%"];
} forEach [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90];

sleep _repairTime;	
_veh vehicleChat format["Das Fahrzeug wird repariert - This Vehicle is being repaired... (%1%2)", 100, "%"];	
_veh setDamage 0;		
_veh setFuel _fuel;

_veh vehicleChat "Reparatur vollstaendig abgeschlossen! - All Repairs done!";
_veh setVariable ["vehServiceActive", false, true];

}; };

I hope someone is able to help me soon. Thanks.

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Are you sure the player is in the vehicle?

The vehicle chat shows only for unts in the vehicle.

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You are having a locality issue.

In MP, vehicleChat should be run locally on player.

It works in editor-placed Triggers because those are in a global environment, meaning they run on both server AND player.

Running it on the server-only will produce no visible text for player local, unless it's distributed through a publicVariable.

Something like this:

textToBroadcast = {
if (vehicle player = _veh) then {
_veh vehicleChat "Dieses Fahrzeug wird bereits gewartet - This Vehicle is already being serviced.";
}; publicVariable "textToBroadcast";

Though I am in no position to test at the moment, that will broadcast the contained code

textToBroadcast = { /* contained code */};

to all connected players. Then you have to filter the players to get the ones who should receive the message.

amended code:

_veh = (_this select 3) select 0;    

_drv = driver _veh;

if (_veh == _drv) then {
   _drv groupChat "Das kannst du nur in einem Fahrzeug machen - This can only be done inside a vehicle.";

} else { if (_veh getVariable ["vehServiceActive", false]) then {
   // already being serviced    
  textToBroadcast = {
if (vehicle player = _veh) then {
_veh vehicleChat "Dieses Fahrzeug wird bereits gewartet - This Vehicle is already being serviced.";
}; publicVariable "textToBroadcast"; 

} else {    

   _veh setVariable ["vehServiceActive", true, true];
   _veh vehicleChat "Das Fahrzeug wird repariert - This Vehicle is being repaired...";

   _fuel = fuel _veh;
   _veh setFuel 0;
   waitUntil {sleep 1; (fuel _veh) == 0};

   _dmg = getDammage _veh;    
   _dmgPart = _dmg / 10;
   _repairTime = 30 * _dmg;

   if(!isMultiplayer) then {
       _repairTime = _repairTime / 10;

   // Initiate Repairs

       sleep _repairTime;            
       _dmg = _dmg - _dmgPart;
       _veh setVehicleInit format["this setDamage %1;", _dmg];
       _veh vehicleChat format["Das Fahrzeug wird repariert - This Vehicle is being repaired... (%1%2)", _x, "%"];
   } forEach [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90];

   sleep _repairTime;    
   _veh vehicleChat format["Das Fahrzeug wird repariert - This Vehicle is being repaired... (%1%2)", 100, "%"];    
   _veh setDamage 0;        
   _veh setFuel _fuel;

   _veh vehicleChat "Reparatur vollstaendig abgeschlossen! - All Repairs done!";
   _veh setVariable ["vehServiceActive", false, true];

}; };  


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Ok, got it. For the first 2 i can insert this and use it, but for the third:

       sleep _repairTime;            
       _dmg = _dmg - _dmgPart;
       _veh setVehicleInit format["this setDamage %1;", _dmg];
       _veh vehicleChat format["Das Fahrzeug wird repariert - This Vehicle is being repaired... (%1%2)", _x, "%"];
   } forEach [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90];

I dont know if it is just the same or not?

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You need to replace setVehicleInit and processInitCommands - they were removed for security.

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