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Why won't this eventhandler work?...please help

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This worked for a similar script using createVehicle instead.

for "_i" from  0 to 2 do {
   _center = createCenter sideLogic;
   _group = createGroup _center;
_CAS = _group createUnit ["ModuleCAS_F",[(_pos select 0) + _i*(10* sin(_vehDir)), (_pos select 1) + _i*(10* cos(_vehDir)), 0], [], 0, ""];
_CAS setDir _vehDir;
_CAS setSkill 1;
   _CAS setVariable ["vehicle",_vehType,true]; 
_CAS setVariable ["type", 2, true]; 
_vehKilledEH = _CAS addeventhandler ["killed",{_this spawn BEAKS_fnc_reward_veh}];
sleep 5;

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This worked for a similar script using createVehicle instead.

for "_i" from  0 to 2 do {
   _center = createCenter sideLogic;
   _group = createGroup _center;
_CAS = _group createUnit ["ModuleCAS_F",[(_pos select 0) + _i*(10* sin(_vehDir)), (_pos select 1) + _i*(10* cos(_vehDir)), 0], [], 0, ""];
_CAS setDir _vehDir;
_CAS setSkill 1;
   _CAS setVariable ["vehicle",_vehType,true]; 
_CAS setVariable ["type", 2, true]; 
_vehKilledEH = _CAS addeventhandler ["killed",{_this spawn BEAKS_fnc_reward_veh}];
sleep 5;

"Killed" EH passes 2 arguments in the _this command.

_vehKilledEH = _cas addEventHandler ["Killed",{
_unitKilled = _this select 0;
_killer = _this select 1;

_killer spawn BEAKS_fnc_reward_veh;

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Thanks, but I thought _this passes both as an array and I do not need to define them. They are defined in the function.

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You are adding a Killed EH to a Logic not the plane the logic module spawns.

Unfortunately the logic does not hold a reference to the plane it spawns, the closest it does is add a reference of the logic to the plane.

_plane setvariable ["logic",_logic];

The nearest you are going to get is monitoring the area around the logic for an air vehicle of type _vehType that has a variable called "logic" that matches the reference of your module.

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Oh wow, I didn't even notice that. Yeah, Larrow is correct. However, what you could do is take the code of the module itself and use that.

Here's a function I turned it into for my own purposes:

private ["_planeClass","_planeCfg","_weaponTypesID","_weaponTypes","_weapons","_modes","_mode","_posATL","_pos","_dir","_dis","_pitch","_speed","_duration","_planePos","_planeSide","_planeArray","_plane","_vectorDir","_velocity","_vectorUp","_currentWeapons","_fire","_fireNull","_time","_offset","_fireProgress","_crew"];

0 - Position to be hit
1 - Direction of approach
2 - Type of plane (Options: "B_Plane_CAS_01_F", "O_Plane_CAS_02_F", "I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F")
3 - Weapon type (0 = Guns, 1 = Missles, 2 = Both)

_planeClass = _this select 2;
_planeCfg = configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _planeClass;

//--- Detect gun
_weaponTypesID = _this select 3;
_weaponTypes = switch _weaponTypesID do {
   case 0: {["machinegun"]};
   case 1: {["missilelauncher"]};
   case 2: {["machinegun","missilelauncher"]};
   default {[]};
_weapons = [];
   if (tolower ((_x call bis_fnc_itemType) select 1) in _weaponTypes) then {
       _modes = getarray (configfile >> "cfgweapons" >> _x >> "modes");
       if (count _modes > 0) then {
           _mode = _modes select 0;
           if (_mode == "this") then {_mode = _x;};
           _weapons set [count _weapons,[_x,_mode]];
} foreach getarray (_planeCfg >> "weapons");

_posATL = _this select 0;
_pos = +_posATL;
_pos set [2,(_pos select 2) + getterrainheightasl _pos];
_dir = _this select 1;

_dis = 3000;
_alt = 1000;
_pitch = atan (_alt / _dis);
_speed = 400 / 3.6;
_duration = ([0,0] distance [_dis,_alt]) / _speed;

//--- Create plane
_planePos = [_pos,_dis,_dir + 180] call bis_fnc_relpos;
_planePos set [2,(_pos select 2) + _alt];
_planeSide = (getnumber (_planeCfg >> "side")) call bis_fnc_sideType;
_planeArray = [_planePos,_dir,_planeClass,_planeSide] call bis_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_plane = _planeArray select 0;
_plane setposasl _planePos;
_plane move ([_pos,_dis,_dir] call bis_fnc_relpos);
_plane disableai "move";
_plane disableai "target";
_plane disableai "autotarget";
_plane setcombatmode "blue";

_vectorDir = [_planePos,_pos] call bis_fnc_vectorFromXtoY;
_velocity = [_vectorDir,_speed] call bis_fnc_vectorMultiply;
_plane setvectordir _vectorDir;
[_plane,-90 + atan (_dis / _alt),0] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank;
_vectorUp = vectorup _plane;

//--- Remove all other weapons
_currentWeapons = weapons _plane;
   if !(tolower ((_x call bis_fnc_itemType) select 1) in (_weaponTypes + ["countermeasureslauncher"])) then {
       _plane removeweapon _x;
} foreach _currentWeapons;

//--- Approach
_fire = [] spawn {waituntil {false}};
_fireNull = true;
_time = time;
_offset = if ({_x == "missilelauncher"} count _weaponTypes > 0) then {20} else {0};
waituntil {
   _fireProgress = _plane getvariable ["fireProgress",0];

   //--- Set the plane approach vector
   _plane setVelocityTransformation [
       _planePos, [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2) + _offset + _fireProgress * 12],
       _velocity, _velocity,
       _vectorUp, _vectorUp,
       (time - _time) / _duration
   _plane setvelocity velocity _plane;

   //--- Fire!
   if ((getposasl _plane) distance _pos < 1000 && _fireNull) then {
       _fireNull = false;
       terminate _fire;
       _fire = [_plane,_weapons] spawn {
           private ["_plane","_planeDriver","_weapons","_duration","_time"];
           _plane = _this select 0;
           _planeDriver = driver _plane;
           _weapons = _this select 1;
           _duration = 3;
           _time = time + _duration;
           waituntil {
                   _planeDriver forceweaponfire _x;
               } foreach _weapons;
               _plane setvariable ["fireProgress",(1 - ((_time - time) / _duration)) max 0 min 1];
               sleep 0.1;
               time > _time || isnull _plane
           sleep 1;

   sleep 0.01;
   scriptdone _fire || isnull _plane
_plane setvelocity velocity _plane;
_plane flyinheight _alt;

waituntil {_plane distance _pos > _dis};

//--- Delete plane
if (alive _plane) then {
   _group = group _plane;
   _crew = crew _plane;
   deletevehicle _plane;
   {deletevehicle _x} foreach _crew;
   deletegroup _group;

You can add the event handler to _plane

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OK, thanks for the function code and solving the problem folks.

Do you know how to increase the gun fire so the strafe lasts longer? Do I simply need to increase the _duration?

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