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How to start a server with a custom made mission from this forum?

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hi all,

we have two (!) servers running from 2 different providers. On both hosters we have the same issue:

We want to play either the normal Arma 3 coop missions or want to play missions that users created on this forum.

Both servers do not work: Both servers are listed in the in-game-browser as "Type" (nothing) and Mission "ArmA 3". Status is always "creating". This means, a player cannot connect. I can connect with EPM RCon tool.

But I have _no idea_ how to start the server without any mod (we want to play Arma 3 unmodified) but start original or custom coop missions.

Anyone has an idea please?

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once the server is running, login as admin and type #missions then select the required mission from the list available.

Any new custom m issions need to be placed in the servers MpMission s folder.

If you need advice on setting the server up read the following tutorial. (The first post is very in depth)


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Also your mission will not start on it's own.. until a player actually joins the server it will state "Creating"

You can force a mission to start when that player joins (instead of giving the list to choose from) in your server.cfg file under Class Missions. See Terox's tutorial for more info.

If you force persistence (in server.cfg) the mission will still run after the last player disconnects.

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