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Delta Hawk

Adjustable sights for new weapons pack?

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This might be a redundant question but how do you set up rifles and machine guns with adjustable sights using the page up and page down in the config file? I'm making a weapons pack for my Soldiers and Marines and it'll be much more accurate with adjustable sights. Thanks guys.

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Look into config files and find reference to a weapon that has zeroing, for instance the M24.

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Thanks Zelik for replying, but I've already looked into the config files. I've also looked at the weapons config reference in the BIS wiki and I can't find anything :( I'm sure it's something that I'm just not noticing but I can't find it.

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ok it's fairly simple actually, here goes:

this example is from our M14 and M21 in unsung mod

class cfgweapons
//add your parent entities here like 
//class rifle;
class Uns_Rifle762; //our external parent

class uns_m14: Uns_Rifle762
	scope = 2;
	value = 0;
	displayName = "M-14 Rifle";
	model = "\uns_weap2\m14\P85_m14";
	picture = "\uns_weap2\m14\w_m14.paa";
	UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_regular_CA.paa";
	magazines[] = {"uns_m14mag","uns_m14mag_T","uns_m14mag_NT"};
	optics = 1;
	drySound[] = {"\uns_weap\m14\m14_dry",0.00316228,1,10};
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\uns_weap\m14\m14_reload",0.0562341,1,20};
	handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton","\Ca\weapons\data\Anim\M24.rtm"};
//this bit creates your zeroing, with each number in the brackets (array) being the zeroed range
//the initindex is the number in the array that the rifle starts on when picked up, in this case 0 is 100m, cos we're in nam, you may want to set it to 2, or 300m for non jungle environments
[b]		weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
	discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000};
	discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
//deleted fire modes as not important here
class uns_M21: Uns_Rifle762
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "XM-21 Sniper Rifle";
	model = "\uns_weap2\m14\P85_m21";
	picture = "\uns_weap2\m14\w_m21.paa";
	UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_sniper_CA.paa";
	magazines[] = {"uns_m14mag","uns_m14mag_T","uns_m14mag_NT"};
	modelOptics = "\uns_weap2\m14\optika_m21";
	opticsFlare = 1;
	opticsDisablePeripheralVision = 1;
	opticsZoomMin = 0.05;
	opticsZoomMax = 0.1;
	distanceZoomMin = 300;
	distanceZoomMax = 300;
//ok so this rifle has a scope and an alt-optics, and each one has zeroing defined in in its mode
	class OpticsModes
		class scope
			opticsID = 1;
			useModelOptics = 1;
			opticsZoomInit = 0.1;
			opticsZoomMin = 0.04;
			opticsZoomMax = 0.1;
			distanceZoomMin = 300;//300
			distanceZoomMax = 300;
			opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1","OpticsBlur1"};
			opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 1;
			memoryPointCamera = "opticView";
			visionMode[] = {"Normal"};
			thermalMode[] = {0,4};
			opticsFlare = 1;
			cameraDir = "";
[b]				weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
			discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200};
			discreteDistanceInitIndex = 1;[/b]
		class Ironsights: scope
			opticsID = 2;
			useModelOptics = 0;
			opticsFlare = 0;
			opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0;
			opticsZoomMin = 0.25;
			opticsZoomMax = 1.1;
			opticsZoomInit = 0.5;
			memoryPointCamera = "eye";
			visionMode[] = {};
[b]				weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
			discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200};
			discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
[/b]			};
	soundContinuous = 0;
	sound[] = {"\uns_weap\m14\m14_fire",1.0,0.99,480};
	drySound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\M21_dry_v1",0.000316228,1,10};
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\uns_weap\m14\m14_reload",0.0562341,1,20};
	minRange = 2;
	minRangeProbab = 0.1;
	midRange = 400;
	midRangeProbab = 0.7;
	maxRange = 600;
	maxRangeProbab = 0.01;
	dispersion = 0.001;
	autofire = 0;
	reloadTime = 0.1;
	backgroundReload = 1;
	recoil = "recoil_single_primary_6outof10";
	recoilProne = "recoil_single_primary_prone_5outof10";
	value = 1000;
	aiRateOfFire = 6;
	aiRateOfFireDistance = 800;
	handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton","\Ca\weapons\data\Anim\M24.rtm"};
//fire modes deleted to save space here

for a tank turret you need both the vehicle turret and the gun defined like this bmp 30mm cannon here

class cfgvehicles
//parent classes add
class BMP2_Base: Tracked_APC
	scope = 0;
	vehicleClass = "ArmouredW";
	displayName = "BMP2";
	model = "ca\Tracked_E\BMP\BMP2";
	picture = "\ca\tracked\Data\ico\bmp2_CA.paa";
	Icon = "\Ca\tracked\Data\map_ico\icomap_bmp2_CA.paa";
	class Turrets: Turrets
		class MainTurret: MainTurret
			weapons[] = {"EB_2A42","EB_PKT","EB_AT5LauncherSingle","LaserDesignator_mounted"};
			magazines[] = {"EB_RU_160Rnd_30mm_APDS","EB_RU_350Rnd_30mm_HEI","EB_2000Rnd_762x54_PKT","EB_8Rnd_AT5","Laserbatteries"};
			viewGunnerInExternal = 1;
			gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics1","OpticsBlur2","OpticsCHAbera2"};
			soundServo[] = {"\ca\sounds\vehicles\servos\turret-1",0.01,1,10};
			minElev = -4.5;
			maxElev = 74;
			minTurn = -360;
			maxTurn = 360;
			gunnerAction = "BMP2_GunnerOut";
			gunnerInAction = "BMP2_Gunner";
			gunnerGetInAction = "GetInMedium";
			gunnerGetOutAction = "GetOutMedium";
			forceHideGunner = 0;
			gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_BMPgun";
			gunnerOutOpticsModel = "";
//copied weapon zeroing data values to the turret, just changed WeaponInfoType to TurretInfoType
[b]				TurretInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
			discreteDistance[] = {250,500,750,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2500,3000};
			discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;

class cfgweapons
//parent classes add
class CannonCore;
class EB_2A42: CannonCore
	scope = 1;
	displayName = "2A42 30mm";
	nameSound = "cannon";
	magazines[] = {
	modes[] = {"LowROF","HighROF","close","short","medium","far"};
	shotFromTurret = 1;
	canLock = 2;
	cursor = "Vehicle_E_MG";
	cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";
	cursorSize = 1;
//weapon has ballistics computer = 2 AND weaponinfotype entry AND zeroing array AND init value

[b]		ballisticsComputer = 2;
	weaponInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
	discreteDistance[] = {250,500,750,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2500,3000};
	discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;

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Eggbeast, you are the man. :yay: :yay: :yay:

I've never seen that anywhere at all. Thanks!

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i should also add that you can set the values to whatever you want. if you're in a vehicle, so long as the values match between turret and weapon then you're good to go

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Eggbeast, I really appreciate your help. I hate to ask, but I've ran into trouble with my grenades. I have them in my gear selection menu in game, but I can't switch to them and throw them. Can you glance at my code and see if I'm missing something? Do I need to create my own ammo class?

class CfgPatches
class usm_military_weapons
	magazines[] = 

class CfgMagazines
class Default;
class HandGrenade;
class usm_m67: HandGrenade
	scope = public;
	value = 1;
	displayName = "M67 Grenade";
	model = "us_military_weapons\usm_m67";
	type = WeaponSlotItem;
	ammo = GrenadeHandTimedWest;
	descriptionShort = "Hand Grenade, Fragmentation, M67.  NSN 1330-00-133-8244.";
	maxLeadSpeed = 7;
class usm_anm8: usm_m67
	displayName = "AN-M8 Grenade";
	model = "us_military_weapons\usm_anm8";
	value = 2;
	ammo = SmokeShell;
	nameSoundWeapon = "smokeshell";
	nameSound = "smokeshell";
	descriptionShort = "Hand Grenade, Smoke, AN-M8.  NSN 1330-00-219-8511.";
	class usm_m18_red: usm_anm8
	displayName = "M18 Red";
	model = "us_military_weapons\usm_m18_red";
	ammo = SmokeShellRed;
	descriptionShort = "Hand Grenade, Smoke, Red, M18.  NSN 1330-00-289-6852";

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