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Need help with a civilian UAV/UGV Terminal

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For my upcoming civilian units addon I would like to make civilian unmanned rescue vehicles.

I thought i'd simply inherit the classes but that doesn't seem to work : (

It might work for the AI Units, but my civilians don't get the <use UAV terminal> action in their action menu. I am obviously lacking something but have no idea what or where to start.

Things i tried so far:

class sab_medic_uavTerminal : UavTerminal_base {
	scope = public;
	displayName = "RC Terminal";
	side = TCivilian;

// or using a sided terminal as reference:

class sab_medic_uavTerminal2 : I_UavTerminal {
	scope = public;
	displayName = "RC Terminal";
	side = TCivilian;

neither works,

how i copied the AI Units:

class sab_CU_URV_AI : I_UAV_AI {
	scope = protected;
	side = TCivilian;
	faction = "sab_Civilians";

From what I understand in the feedback tracker entry here, it could be possible right?

Anyone got a hint or idea what maybe missing by inheriting the terminal from base class / different faction?

I dug through the configs of the uav_terminals but couldn't find a hint to the action that's connected to the terminal.

The civilian URVs work fine as far as I can tell. The engines are running and they switch on their lights at night. Seems to be the issue of the terminal only

Edited by Sabre_Dust

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Try this:

class ItemCore;
class UavTerminal_base: ItemCore {
class ItemInfo;
class sab_medic_uavTerminal2: UavTerminal_base {
descriptionshort = "Civ UAV terminal.";
displayname = "UAV Civvy terminal";
hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Items\data\UAV_controller_rgr_co.paa"};
picture = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Items\data\UI\gear_UAV_controller_rgr_CA.paa";
scope = 2;
class ItemInfo: ItemInfo {
	side = 3;

untested (not at Arma pc).

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THank you so much Das Attorney!!

it works : D

happy URV ist happy too:


Code for those interested:

cfgWeapons for the terminal itself:

class cfgWeapons {
class Uniform_Base;	// External class reference  for my other items in the cfgweapos
class UniformItem;	// External class reference
class Vest_Camo_Base;	// External class reference
class VestItem;	// External class reference
class ItemCore;	// External class reference
class HeadgearItem;	// External class reference
class I_UavTerminal;	// External class reference - for the URV
class ItemInfo;	// External class reference

class UavTerminal_base: ItemCore {
   class ItemInfo;
class sab_medic_uavTerminal: UavTerminal_base {
   descriptionshort = "Civ UAV terminal.";
   displayname = "UAV Civvy terminal";
   hiddenselectionstextures[] = {"\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Items\data\UAV_controller_rgr_co.paa"};
   picture = "\A3\Drones_F\Weapons_F_Gamma\Items\data\UI\gear_UAV_controller_rgr_CA.paa";
   scope = 2;
   class ItemInfo: ItemInfo {
       side = 3;

and later in cfgvehicles for the URescueVehicle:

class CfgVehicles {
class I_UAV_AI;	// External class reference
class I_UGV_01_F;

class sab_CU_URV_AI : I_UAV_AI {
	author = "Sabre[Dust]";
	scope = protected;
	side = TCivilian;
	faction = "sab_Civilians";

class sab_CU_URV : I_UGV_01_F {
	author = "Sabre[Dust]";
	scope = public;
	displayName = "Ambulance URV";
	crew = "sab_CU_URV_AI";
	typicalCargo[] = {""};
	side = TCivilian;
	vehicleClass = "sab_Civilian_vehicles";
	faction = "sab_Civilians";	
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"sab_CU\data\Ambulance_URV1.paa", "sab_CU\data\Ambulance_URV2.paa"};

Edited by Sabre_Dust

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Made me smile. Nice job, curious what you'll do with it.

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Thanks L3TUC3. Probably some small rescue missions where you'll have to deliver goods to some people in need via this URV. Or where people get picked up by it to get them back to safety. Would be fun to be able to add a stretcher on it or a few more places to sit on.

Till all of that is ready I made a tiny addon for the people who were looking for a civ uav (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26461) - thanks again Das!

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Made an Update,

now includes a Backpack to assemble a civilian darter drone

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Edited by Sabre_Dust
link updated

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