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Radeon 8500 & hw t&l

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At least in the MP test the lighting was screwed up on all new Radeon cards. When using D3D Hardware Transform & Lighting

all objects would flash white. confused.gif

The flashing would stop if you switched to normal D3D, but then you didn´t have the new lighting effects either. sad.gif

So, is this problem fixed in OFPR?

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JUST POSTED THIS IN THE OTHER FORUM ..... new leaked driver for ALL OS's !!

beta 7.73 .... fixes the problem ... i have tested them and they work good .

just do a search on google for the driver .

well enjoy !! biggrin.gif

PS ... for those that dont know ... thats www.google.com

lol wink.gif

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No wait, now only MY character flashes white confused.gif

Come on, someone with OFPR and a radeon!?

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OK i had this same problem and i already made a similiar post to yours m8, i happened across some drivers while i was looking in another forum for another game *coughs*, anyway these drivers solved the problem in that other game, and so far have been good with Resistance in HWT&L mode no more flashing, try here m8, see if it works for you and post yer results for others biggrin.gifDriver heaven

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HK (HunterKiller) @ July 04 2002,04:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">try here m8, see if it works for you and post yer results for others  biggrin.gif  Driver heaven<span id='postcolor'>

Could you be specific or give the exact URL to the DH article that helped you?

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Ok thanks, I got my old drivers from there but it looks like they have updated! biggrin.gif

I´m gonna try them now.

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Sorry Avon, your right it may not be so clear what to do for everyone out there, ok when you get to the Driverheaven webpage go to the Forum quicklinks and look for drivers that suit your card, in my case ATI Radeon, (at present they are moving to a new server sorry), once there you will find the drivers. I downloaded the "Omega Plutonium" set, there is also a very good tutorial on how to completely remove your old drivers, registry keys and all (if you are in any way troubled with doing stuff in your registry just make a backup first, but i did it without one and it worked fine, just follow the readme to the letter), i would post the direct links but even a little bit of savvy should help you find the correct place, hope this helps a bit......

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This belongs in TS, and there's already a semi-identical thread in TS so this gets closed.

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