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Laser designator icon

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Have I fabricated a memory of a laser designation icon that used to appear on the map when somebody was painting a target.... back in the early days of A3? If it is still possible to have that indicator, how?

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A Laser Designator user has an icon appear to inform them that the laser is now active. This is present on the SDV, Strider, UAV's and the hand held designator.

The target then appears as a red dot (unless Independent at which point it does not work) on radar to other vehicles who have the capability to detect the laser target.

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Never saw an icon on a map but like Imperator is saying, when you are actively lazing a target a red star will pop up letting you know you are lazing.

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He's talking about map icons, not the device GUI.

If you are in Recruit, and you spot a laser dot (indicated by radio chatter), perhaps it shows up on the map, like units do?

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I think he is talking about the Fixed wing showcase.

While you are looking for artillery, some JTAC lases the target and says "we're lasing the Arty now, look for the marker on the map" and there is a red diamond with a dot in the middle. Maybe that's what he's talking about?

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