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Spawning/Scripting C-17 Airborne

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I can't seem to script/spawn the C-17 flying. How do get script this big bird to spawn flying? When spawning stock air they spawn airborne. Also what marker/waypoint commands do I use to the its crew to take off from the runway?



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Hi Infiltrator_2K

I do it like this:

_vehCreate = [[getMarkerPos _mrkXx select 0, getMarkerPos _mrkXx select 1,1000], 180, "globemaster_c17", West] call Bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;

It spawns the plane in 1000m height, so the crew has time to get the plane flying, vomit express the first 400m drop ;-), but it works.

If i spawn the plane lower it will crash.

Hope it helps.

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Lappihuan you are right.

The function works with stock air.

But if you use the function on the "globemaster_c17" it will crash - somehow it has no crew.

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Lappihuan you are right.

The function works with stock air.

But if you use the function on the "globemaster_c17" it will crash - somehow it has no crew.

By using the "creategroup" you create the crew's variable and add it to the array of the spawnVehicle function. I'm a scripting novice but I believe that's how you add the crew to C-17.

_globemastercrew = [];
_globemasterframe = [];

if (isServer) then {

_globemastercrew = creategroup EAST; 
_globemasterframe = [getMarkerPos "c17", 240, "globemaster_c17_IAF", _globemastercrew] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

_wp2 = _globemastercrew addWaypoint [(getmarkerpos "c17_1"),0];
_wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp2 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
_wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "NORMAL";

sleep 0.50;


Edited by Infiltrator_2K

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If you use the example i posted first, the C-17 get spawned with crew, but with engines off, wheels down etc.

The plane starts with taking a dive to about 300m and then flies normal. :-)

Your example might be a better solution, will try it out.

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This is how I do it, works fine:

			// Spawn a jet
		_spawned = createVehicle [_jet,_spawnPos,[],100,"FLY"];
		_spawned engineOn true;

		// Spawn crew in jet
		createVehicleCrew _spawned;

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Thank you SilentSpike

This is a lot better than the example i gave.

Now i have some sqf files to update :-)

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This is how I do it, works fine:

			// Spawn a jet
		_spawned = createVehicle [_jet,_spawnPos,[],100,"FLY"];
		_spawned engineOn true;

		// Spawn crew in jet
		createVehicleCrew _spawned;

Just goes to show that there's more than one way to skin a cat. That code however is a lot more streamline and therefore for better. Thanks ;)

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Happy to help, took me a while to figure out how I wanted to do it and how to get them to stop falling from the sky :p

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