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Why is My Character Being an Ostrich!

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Okay after today's release of Bootcamp all of my builds my character is either pointing his weapon in the sky or he has his head buried in the ground. I can not get him out of this no mater what I do except to drop weapons, and if i get new one's he's still doing the same thing? Anyone know what to do to fix this?

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I don't know what could be, but you could upload some images, sounds funny :cool:

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hm. almost sounds like there is a second input next to your mouse. see if you have a gamepad connected or something. not sure how arma handles them but i had that in othre games, like weird stuff due to my gamepad lying on its analog stick or something like that.

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No It's Not a Game Pad Issue as I've Been Using one since Pre-Alpah. Also I Just Cam From King Of The Hill and I have no issues there.


Okay further looking into this issue, it has something to do with the Class Peram of giving a soldier an Identity and a Few Other Mods.

Now If I Remove the setIdentity from the Init of the Soldier, the issue stops and all Is Good. So Here is a Start Build I made for My son to play and Maybe someone who's bettr at coding might be able to narrow down the issue I'm Posting my file from the Editor and can be used there but should be launched in Multi-player.

Link to file http://www.disfunctionalradioshow.com/A_Soldiers_Path_SP.Altis.zip

Edited by Silent_Sniper

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Okay So Here Is The Screen Shot of the Real Problem!

http://disfunctionalradioshow.com/Head%20Problem.jpg (444 kB)

Well, it not only sounds funny, but it also really looks funny! Hahahaha

Try to set the soldier starting pos at a height of 2 meters or so, enough so it doesn't go through the floor and not enough to kill him,

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free look is locked on probably

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Did you have other input device connected with your computer? Like a Joystick or head track system. I ever had a similar problem due to the X52PRO's some key function driver, which will overwrite your mouse or keyboard input signal.

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