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D. Patterson

Multiple Functions In One SQF, Multiple Add Action.

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So I have a post, that when you walk up to it, you get several action menu items. Teleport 1, Teleport 2, Teleport 3. How do I make it so I can have each one link to the same sqf, but the sqf can differentiate between what option was selected. Im fine with putting multiple addactions in the init, but I dont want Teleport1.sqf, teleport 2.sqf, etc. (Because I actually have 15 teleport positions).

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As L3TUC3 says using a switch statement in your teleport.sqf will do the job.

Just make each addAction pass something in the arguments that you can check against e.g


_object addAction ["Teleport 1", "teleport.sqf", 1 ];
_object addAction ["Teleport 2", "teleport.sqf", 2 ];


_passedArgument = _this select 3;

switch (_passedArgument) do {
case 1 : {
	//do whatever
case 2 : {

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