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Looking for an anti hack system linux compatible.

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Hi there, i' m looking to found an anti hack sytem , my server is a linux dedicated server.

Any help would be appreciated, i m tired of tracking hackers on my server, thanks a lot !

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Arma3Server for linuxl comes with Battleye i know from it kicking me there yesterday ;)

Just make sure your have your battleye filters setup for whatever mission or mod u are using.

Besides that u could look for any sqf code to help catch hackers that compatable for your mission / mod

The only issue with most anti-hacks would be they come with a dll, most of the time they just create a log file.

Just go through the code + change those lines over to diag_log or make up an .so to replace the dll with.

If u can't find one, u will just have to readup on making battleye filters, and writing sqf code.

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