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Hello mad,

no addons here.

I reinstalled a fresh copy of the logistic. I noticed that on the vehicles i could normally tow i get the tow scrolling option. Otherwise, for orca and Mohawk i have to Unlock them before it gets towable. Am i'm missing something?

Result of "R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_towed":

21:11:16 "["o_heli_light_02_unarmed_f","i_heli_transport_02_f","b_heli_light_01_f","helicopter_base_f","truck_f","car_f","machine_base_f","ship_f","car_f","plane"]"

Result of "R3F_LOG_CFG_can_tow":

21:11:21 "["b_mrap_01_f","b_apc_tracked_01_crv_f","truck_03_base_f","truck_02_base_f","truck_01_base_f"]"

Vehicles i'm trying on are mine, getting them from my garage.

Edited by alex010

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The config variables looks good.

Otherwise, for orca and Mohawk i have to Unlock them before it gets towable. Am i'm missing something?
Yes it is normal to unlock the vehicles. It is the "lock system" for logistics features. The lock policy is configurable (side/faction/unit). By default it is based on the side. The orca and mohawk have a side different of your player. You can disable the lock feature (see documentation).

After unlocking the helicopter and placing the B_MRAP_01_F behind it, do you get the "tow" action ?

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Hi ,

I have a problem with that script.

I want to allow the the logistic only for a special unit e.g. a engineer.

I hope someone can help me.

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Thanks but that is not what I search for.

I dont want to allow it only for a player.

I want that you can chosse a unit in the lobby of a server and only this unit can use the logistic.

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You can use the config variable mentioned in the section III.1.C. of the documentation with this SQF expression :

Allow logistics only on the slot named "slot_engineer" :

R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "!isNil ""slot_engineer"" && {player == slot_engineer}";

If you want to do it for several slots, taking advantage of the "count" scripting command :

R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "{!isNil {_x} && {player == _x}} count [slot1, slot2, slot3] > 0";

To allow logistics for unit classname (and not on named slots), you can use this kind of expression :

R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "typeOf player in [""class_name1"", ""class_name2"", ""class_name3""]";

Edited by madbull

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I tryed this code on my dedicated server but it seems like this wont work for me.

Allow logistics only on the slot named "slot_engineer" :

R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "!isNil ""slot_engineer"" && {player == slot_engineer}";

Ive got 2 Pioneers from BW Plus Mod wich i want to enable logistics for. classname is "BWplus_Pioneer_Tropentarn" and slot name just "pioneer".

i tryed with R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "!isNil ""slot_pioneer"" && {player == slot_pioneer}"; but it dosent work for me.

can someone help me solve this problem?

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If your slot is named just "pioneer" and not "slot_pioneer", you should write only "pioneer" in the variable R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client :)

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R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "typeOf player in [""class_name1"", ""class_name2"", ""class_name3""]"; worked for us. thank you.

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Hi Madbull,

I'm using your 3.1 version in AgentRev's A3Wasteland and it works great, but I have a few questions:

1. What i've seen is that world/map objects also get R3F options when they shouldn't. Like Military Towers that are preplaced on the map get the R3F options to pick them up. But as this is a static object you can not move it. Is there a fix for this?

2. I've added Tank_F to the R3F_LOG_CFG_can_tow array. But for some reason we are unable to get a tank to tow any vehicle. How can we fix this? It seems like this problem is related to boundingBoxReal.

3. It takes more then few seconds before any R3F addAction option is available. This seems like a bug that was fixed in a previous Arma 2 version of R2F in AgentRev's A3Wasteland. Do you have a fix planned for this?

Edited by LouD

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I am trying to start a factory off of the little red crates that are from the vanilla game. I got it to where the open factory creation menu pops up but when I click to open it, it just goes to a blue cloudy screen. When I try to open it again after I leave that screen it doesn't do anything.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Madbull,

I'm using your 3.1 version in AgentRev's A3Wasteland and it works great, but I have a few questions:

1. What i've seen is that world/map objects also get R3F options when they shouldn't. Like Military Towers that are preplaced on the map get the R3F options to pick them up. But as this is a static object you can not move it. Is there a fix for this?

2. I've added Tank_F to the R3F_LOG_CFG_can_tow array. But for some reason we are unable to get a tank to tow any vehicle. How can we fix this? It seems like this problem is related to boundingBoxReal.

3. It takes more then few seconds before any R3F addAction option is available. This seems like a bug that was fixed in a previous Arma 2 version of R2F in AgentRev's A3Wasteland. Do you have a fix planned for this?

For (1) there is a seting :) set: R3F_LOG_CFG_disabled_by_default = true; since all movable objects in the A3W mission get initialized with the variable :)

and the 3rd issue was fixed by AgentREV before i'm just having a hard time finding out how he did it. since most of te old R3F code is in French which is like korean+russian to me :P

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Changing R3F_LOG_CFG_disabled_by_default to true indeed works but for Wasteland you need to edit the files so store objects/vehicles have the R3F_LOG_Disabled set to false.

I would hower like to know how I change this part so when facing a towable vehicle with a tank in front of it to tow it also works. At this moment a tank is not seen as vehicle that can tow. Tank_F is set to be a tow vehicle.


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Changing R3F_LOG_CFG_disabled_by_default to true indeed works but for Wasteland you need to edit the files so store objects/vehicles have the R3F_LOG_Disabled set to false.

I would hower like to know how I change this part so when facing a towable vehicle with a tank in front of it to tow it also works. At this moment a tank is not seen as vehicle that can tow. Tank_F is set to be a tow vehicle.


For some reason adding tanks to the are towable and are liftable array makes them able to tow aswell...

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I'm back after some days without internet.


Can you show us the initialization line on the red crates ? I think there is a wrong value passed as parameter.

If you edited the config file "config_creation_factory.sqf", can you show its content ?


Thanks for the help about Wasteland :)

"korean+russian" :D


What are the remaining problem ?

I assume you are modifying the official code. So I need a whole copy of the mission to help (DL link as PM).

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Awesome mod! I love how easy it was to get this up and running in my mission.

The only thing is, I'm trying to add some persistence to the base building mechanics. Is there a way I can add hooks that get called every time a player places or picks up an object so that I can store and remove its location and class name in a database?

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Which persistence/database system are you using ? There is a suggestion to make Logistics interacting with Alive :


- The alive persistence feature does not take into account [R3F] logistics interaction (nor Zeus ones). => Fix on these posts

It can be adapted to other systems than Alive. This is not a perfect solution as explained in the related posts.

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I'm not really using an existing framework. I'm just attacking the problem with extDB.

Edited by hohum

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To get called each time an object is moved by a player, check the "Fix on these posts".

You just have to replace the Alive's code by your custom extDB code.

To benefits of the Logistics' system which automatically detect any new object on the map, you can edit the script "surveiller_conditions_actions_menu.sqf"... But maybe you already have your own system.

Some explanation about this script in my answer to Vernei in this post : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180049-R3F-Logistics&p=2865734&viewfull=1#post2865734

To save the state of a towed/lifted/in-cargo object... it will be another (more complex) step.

To begin, you can read the chapter III.3.B. (page 16) of the documentation documentation.

It explains all the meaning of all the "getVariable" describing the logistics' state of an object.

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Awesome. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'm going to be working on this today(ish).

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So i'm trying to load this into my SP Mission, I followed the tutorial but it didn't work, I have no clue what I did wrong, here's how I did it:

- I went to Documents>Arma3>Missions>My Mission

- I opened the logistics tutorial, and copied R3F_LOG and init.sqf into my mission folder

- I created a description.ext and pasted #include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h" into it

- Started up the mission in editor, but it didn't work

If anybody knows anything, please let me know!

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Try to launch the mission directly from the menu (not using the mission editor).

Make sure you are launching the good mission. Sometimes, when the mission name is too long or with special characters, it is loaded/saved in another mission folder.

If logistics is not working, open the BIS' debug console and write this in a "watch line" : R3F_LOG_active

What is the returned value ?

(If the BIS' debug console is not activated, add this line in the description.ext : enableDebugConsole = 1; )

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So I am already using this script on a server and I have a list of players UID's that can use the logistics. These are people i trust but the mission we are running spawns defend objectives and it would be useful for the public players to be able to use the system so long as they are an engineer. However i cant figure out how to define both player UID's and unit classnames in the config for the purpose of allowing logistics.

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You can write a composed condition with the AND or OR operators :

R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "(player UID is trusted) OR (player is an engineer)";

(player UID is trusted) condition should look like :

getPlayerUID player in [""76xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"", ""76yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"", ""76zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz""]

(player is an engineer) condition should look like (based on mission's slots) :

{!isNil {_x} && {player == _x}} count [slot1, slot2, slot3] > 0

(player is an engineer) condition should look like (based on player's classname) :

typeOf player in [""class_name1"", ""class_name2"", ""class_name3""]

Mixing the condition together should look like :

R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "(getPlayerUID player in [""76xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"", ""76yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"", ""76zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz""]) OR ({!isNil {_x} && {player == _x}} count [slot1, slot2, slot3] > 0)";

Note : to be simpler to maintain, you can create an array variable containing the players UID :

AK_trusted_UID =

R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "(getPlayerUID player in AK_trusted_UID) OR ({!isNil {_x} && {player == _x}} count [slot1, slot2, slot3] > 0)";

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