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Low FPS with ~60 player - HC make drop FPS!

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I look lot of subject about some problem like mine but no one was really complete :/

Then i open this to try to "up" my server perfomance

I start with my config

It's a dedicated server from online.net

Intel® Xeon® E3 1240 v3 4 cores 8 threads @3.4 Ghz


2 x 120 GB SSD SATA3 6G

Premium 400Mbit/s

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

I use Tonics 3.1.3 with all Jun 23, 2014 and before update exept

I will post all my "config" to start server

my server.cfg

hostname = "[FR] Kavalash | Altis Life | 150k | RP | NO LAG";

password = ""; // Password for your server (Make it "" to have no password)

passwordAdmin = "*******"; // Server Admin password (Type #login in the chat to login as admin)

reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; // IP address which your server will report to

verifySignatures = 2;

motd[] = {

"========== Serveur Kavalash Fr",


"========== Serveur Altis Life ",


"========== Serveur Role Play",


"========== Connecter sur le serveur ",

"========== Vous acceptez les regles!!!!",


"========== www.Forum.Kavalash.fr ",


motdInterval = 0; // Time (Seconds) Between Each Message Of The MOTD Is Displayed

maxPlayers = 100; // Amount Of Players The Server Will Hold

kickduplicate = 1;

vonCodecQuality = 10;

DisableVon = 0;

logFile = "Kavalash_console.log";

persistent = 1;

onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";

steamport = 2300;

steamqueryport = 2301;


requiredSecureId = 2;

voteThreshold = 2;



class Missions {

class ARMA3 {

template =Kavalash.altis; // Mission to load (Mission file located in MPMissions. )

difficulty = « Veteran »; // Server difficulty Settings (Recruit, Regular, Veteran, Mercenary)



My start line bat for server


start /REALTIME arma3server.exe -port=2302 -mod=@life_server;@Arma2NET;@ASM -name=Kavalash -cfg=cfg\arma3.cfg -config=cfg\server.cfg -noCB -maxMem=16384 -cpuCount=4 -bepath=C:\Arma3\BattlEye

My start line bat for HC client


start "Arma3HC" /High /affinity 0C "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -profile=HC -name=HC -bepath=C:\Arma3\BattlEye -skipIntro -nosplash -showScriptErrors -noPause -nosound -client -exThreads=2 -cpuCount=2 -noCB -mod=@life_hc;@Arma2Net; -localhost= -connect=localhost -port=2302


MaxMsgSend = 158;

MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;

MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256;

MinBandwidth = 262144;

MaxBandwidth = 943718400;

MinErrorToSend = 0.0001;

MinErrorToSendNear = 0.001;

MaxCustomFileSize = 0;

class sockets{maxPacketSize = 1400;};









Here is my server on normal state for 1h40 host with ~40 player


Here is a other start i try with low player, and i start HC client for some min and stop it you can easy see when HC client is connected ! ...


Then with 70 player i have ~4 fps and they are too much desynch , lag and player can't apreciate the game ...

I hope i write every think needed and hope somebody can help me to optimize this !

Here is my rpt file http://pastebin.com/RAH9jT5i

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Hmm a side question: Why -exThreads=2 -cpuCount=2 -noCB? Did you try without exT or with 7? You have 8 threads and only 2 for HC? Why disable multicore?

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-exThreads will always be 1 on a dedicated server no matter what you set it (same goes for HC)

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