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Is there any APC config that could quickly import 3d model?

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Hi, there. I've made a 8x8 APC (40 mm grenade launcher) by 3dsmax last year, and trying hard to port the model into ARMA3.

But after so much hours of hard trying, the only thing I could achieve is make the model appears in game and that's all. The config problems keep bothering me for months, no matter trying to rewrite on those extracted config or trying to follow the guideline and write a new config. I still can't even make the turret or those wheels rotate in game, and neither firing or any further more actions. It seems like coding is something too hard for someone never learn scripting before.

So, with frustration, I just wanna ask is there any sample that could make me have a easier way to port my APC in game? like some config sample that only need to rewrite some tiny place?

Oh, yeah. If my English is hard to understand, I'm sorry about that.

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It's not just the config that gets a model working in game.

Have you got all the memory points assigned in Object Builder?

Have you got all the animations defined in the model.cfg?

If you've already got the model in game then that is progress!

Modifying an existing config is really the easiest way of doing things in my experience.

I'd offer some advice but I struggle with configs myself!

btw your English is not hard to understand:)

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Thank a lot for these advice, I had made those objects like turret and hatch function in both buldozer and ingame, but the wheels remain a problem. The wheels is function in buldozer. Before I write those wheels config into config.cpp, my vehicle will emerge in twenty feet height when I'm trying to preview in editor, and keep floating in ten feet height after couple bound, but the vehicle is movable and without wheels rotate. But after I found some config and paste on, my vehicle could attach itself on ground but couldn't move even an inches. I've set axis, steering axis and bound in memory, is that enough? Any ideas what might cause this problem?

And which material is recommended to used for wheeled APC?


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take a look at the sample car (in Arma 3 Tools folder). It has all the bits and bobs you also need for your APC. Do you have a proper LandContact LOD ?

Also make sure you follow this guide , in case you dont use it already

If your vehicle doesnt move dampingInAir for the wheels may be too high

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i got similar problems in my config, i cant enter it ? i can open its inventory but cant "get in" any tips or solutions to fix that? (the acp runs/works if i spawn in it)

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Either the 'driver pos' and 'driver dir' memory points or the config values are missing that define the position get in is available from

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