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Hint, parseText format, composeText,... confused please help

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Hi Folkes,

I'm trying to make my hint message easier to script. Instead of one continuous line I would like to parse it so I can read the script better.

Why don't the following two scripts equal?

This works:

hint parsetext format ["<t size='0.85' align='left'>You killed: </t><t size='0.85' align='left'>%1</t><br/><t size='0.85' align='left'>You gained $</t><t size='0.85' color='#ff0000' align='left'> %2</t><br/><t size='0.85' align='left'>Cash Remaining $</t> <t size='0.85' color='#ff0000' align='left'>%3</t>", _textKilled, _amount, _money];

But this doesn't match up?

_text1 = parsetext format ["<t size='0.85' align='left'>You killed: </t><t size='0.85' align='left'>%1</t><br/>", _textKilled];
_text2 = parsetext format ["<t size='0.85' align='left'>You gained $</t><t size='0.85' color='#ff0000' align='left'> %1</t><br/>",_amount];
_text3 = parsetext format ["<t size='0.85' align='left'>Cash Remaining $</t> <t size='0.85' color='#ff0000' align='left'>%1</t>",_money];
hint parseText (_text1 + _text2 + _text3);

/* My notes on hint
starL  = "<img image='\ca\ui\data\debr_star.paa' align='left'/>";
_starL  = _starL + _starL + _starL;
_starR  = "<img image='\ca\ui\data\debr_star.paa' align='right'/>";
_starR  = _starR + _starR + _starR;
_title  = "<t color='#ff0000' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>TITLE</t><br/><br/>";
_text   = "Bla bla bla bla bla...";
hint parseText (_starL + _starR + _title + _text);

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You are parsing the text twice. Ret doing this

_text1 = format ["<t size='0.85' align='left'>You killed: </t><t size='0.85' align='left'>%1</t><br/>", _textKilled]; 
_text2 = format ["<t size='0.85' align='left'>You gained $</t><t size='0.85' color='#ff0000' align='left'> %1</t><br/>",_amount]; 
_text3 = format ["<t size='0.85' align='left'>Cash Remaining $</t> <t size='0.85' color='#ff0000' align='left'>%1</t>",_money]; 
hint parseText (_text1 + _text2 + _text3); 

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Hi Again,

Please help with this one, it is supposed to display all the units from the do loop in the hint display.

_textcrew = [];
for "_i" from  0 to (count veh)-1  do {   // check value for each unit in vehicle
if (_unitInVehicle == ((veh select _i) select 1)) then {_unitsInVehicleSumValue = _unitsInVehicleSumValue + (((veh select _i) select 0)/2)};   // each unit value is half original price 
_vehicle = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> ((veh select _i) select 1) >> "displayname");
_picture = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> ((veh select _i) select 1) >> "picture");
_textcrew = parseText (_textcrew + format ["<t size='0.85' ><img size='1' image='%1'/><t size='0.85'> %2", _picture,_vehicle]);
hint _textcrew;

The hint with this works but does not add the _textcrew as desired.

_textcrew = parseText format ["<t size='0.85' ><img size='1' image='%1'/><t size='0.85'> %2", _picture,_vehicle];
hint _textcrew;

Edited by BEAKSBY

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possibly something like this

 _textcrew = str _textcrew + str (parseText  format ["<t size='0.85' ><img size='1' image='%1'/><t size='0.85'> %2", _picture,_vehicle]);

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I've tried this...

_textcrew = [];
for "_i" from  0 to (count veh)-1  do {   //---check value for each unit killed in vehicle and obtain its name and picture
if (_unitInVehicle == ((veh select _i) select 1)) then {_unitsInVehicleSumValue = _unitsInVehicleSumValue + (((veh select _i) select 0)/2);   // each unit value is half original price listed above
_vehicle = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> ((veh select _i) select 1) >> "displayname");		             
_picture = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> ((veh select _i) select 1) >> "picture");
_textcrew = str _textcrew + str (parseText format ["<t size='0.85' ><img size='1' image='%1'/><t size='0.85'> %2", _picture,_vehicle]);
hint _textcrew;

...and it returns this [] crewman. But the vehicle has a crew of 3. SO I was expecting crewmancrewmancrewman. It also doesn't seem to find the pictures for soldiers in configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >>

However, this works beautifully with picture and displayname,

_textvehicle = "";
for "_i" from  0 to (count veh)-1  do {   //---also add the value of vehicle killed and obtain its name and picture
if (_unitType == ((veh select _i) select 1)) then {_unitValue = (((veh select _i) select 0)/2);   //---each unit value is half original price listed above
_vehicle = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> ((veh select _i) select 1) >> "displayname");		             
_picture = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> ((veh select _i) select 1) >> "picture");
_textvehicle = parsetext format ["<t size='0.85' ><img size='1' image='%1'/><t size='0.85'> %2", _picture,_vehicle];
hint _textvehicle;

Note the declaration for the vehicles variable is _textvehicle = "";

I think for the crew I need to declare an array of empty strings?

Edited by BEAKSBY

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But isn't veh an array of vehicle_types and costs?

It's not pointing to an actual vehicle is it.

((veh select _i) select 1)) is type of vehicle.

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correct veh is an array

veh = [[1200, "B_MBT_01_TUSK_F"],[900, "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F"],[750, "B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F"],[600, "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F"],

[300,"B_MRAP_01_gmg_F"],[150,"B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"],[100,"B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"],[200,"B_static_AT_F"],[200, "B_static_AA_F"],[150,"B_soldier_LAT_F"],

[100,"B_G_Soldier_LAT_F"],[25, "B_Soldier_F"],[150,"B_GMG_01_high_F"],[100,"B_HMG_01_high_F"],[1200, "O_MBT_02_cannon_F"],[900, "O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F"],

[750, "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F"],[600, "O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F"],[300,"O_MRAP_02_gmg_F"],[150,"O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"],[100,"O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F"],

[200,"O_static_AT_F"],[200, "O_static_AA_F"],[150,"O_soldierU_LAT_F"],[100,"O_G_Soldier_LAT_F"],[150,"O_GMG_01_high_F"],[100,"O_HMG_01_high_F"],

[25, "O_Soldier_F"], [66, "O_crew_F"],[66, "B_crew_F"]];

Basically I was trying to build a string for the units killed inside the vehicle as well as the vehicle itself and pass it to my money script. So it would display "you killed [vehicle and units killed inside], you gained [total of vehicle and units killed inside] and current account [current balance + gained for kills - purchased vehicles].

I've got everything working so far except for the concatonated string of units killed inside and the vehicle.

Pictures of the units and vehicles is a "nice to have" and would be faster that reading a message with string/text information.

Edited by BEAKSBY

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If you have an evh attached to the vehicle youshould be able to obtain enough info.

this addeventhandler ["killed",{_this execvm "script.sqf"}];

_textvehicle = "";
_unit = (_this select 0);

__x =_x;	
if (( typeof _x) in __x ) then {money = money + (__x select 0)};	
} foreach crew _unit + [_unit]; 
} foreach veh; 

_vehicle = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof _unit >> "displayname");                     
_picture = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof _unit  >> "picture");

_textvehicle = parsetext format ["<img size='2' image='%1'/><t size='1.2'><br/> %2 <t size='1'><br/> %3 Crew <t size='0.85'> <br/>Reward %4", _picture,_vehicle,count crew _unit,money];

hint _textvehicle;

If it's not a vehicle than you could call another script from the EVH or add checks to the script so it runs the correct parsetext format.

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Thanks F2k Sel,


You're good you.


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