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Please help, looking for solution for a long time: Deleting objects that are static

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Hello dear Users and Bohemia Interactive,

we tried every way we could think of to find out the ID of specific objects that are on the Altis Map by standard (Specific walls, Street signs etc.) but we can't find a way to return the objects ID and therefore have no way to interact with those.

Especially the following objects:




When we run following script commands, every object we added by a custom mission - and some other objects that are on the map - will be returned successfully, BUT not the objects I listed before (if they were on the map by standard and not spawned in by a custom mission or script):

nearEntities, nearestBuilding, nearestObject, nearestObjects, nearObjects

I'll try to explain it again, in case you didn't understand what I mean:

All those scripting commands don't work on many types of objects, including those I listed above. That is only the case, when the objects were on the map by default. If you add any object by yourself (if you edited the mission) then they WILL ALWAYS be found by the scripts.

Is there any kind of solution available so we finally can interact with those "static" objects? Because it seems like very object has an ID, even bees and flies have IDs and can be interacted with.

We're desperate about this for about 3 months now and it's very frustrating, thats why we decided to ask around on the forums.

Thank you very much for reading.

Edited by SINE

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This question has been asked loads of times and the answer is still the same, if they don't have a class they can't be deleted using script.

Map editing would be your best bet.

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I dont know if the following could probably help you. You have to add it which the Editor and Gamelogic

this spawn{
waitUntil{player == player};
private ["_toDelete","_obj"];
_toDelete = [[color="#0000FF"]524211,524212,525830,525826,525828[/color]];
_obj = ((getPos _this) nearestObject _x);
_obj hideObject true;
deleteVehicle _obj;
}forEach _toDelete;

This 524211,524212,525830,525826,525828 are the ID's of the structures which you want to delete. Can find it with the ID button.

Maybe this could help you :)

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This question has been asked loads of times and the answer is still the same, if they don't have a class they can't be deleted using script.[...]

The object definately has a class, the class and the ID are just not being returned by scripts.

Also, please read the IssueTracker report, where you can see that I already know it can't be deleted, the only thing I want is: Change it, so it is possible to be deleted.

This 524211,524212,525830,525826,525828 are the ID's of the structures which you want to delete. Can find it with the ID button.

Maybe this could help you :)

In my editor those IDs are for something different, the baskets can't be found or deleted, even with the module.

Thanks anyways.

Edited by SINE

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There's definitely something weird going with them.

If you walk up to the basketball hoop and look carefully, you can see through them (like the steel beam that holds the hoop up). They're translucent and show objects on the other side.

The map placed ones can definitely be found with a script as I've just done it to try and delete/hide them and they returned valid objects.

I would have thought it's a problem with the model and not your script.

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To post on the issue again, I have found a few map objects that do not have a vehicle class.

They can be found if you check their ID through the debug-camera, though you can't f/e place them.


(The 30 maxspeed sign): signt_speedlimit30.p3d

It doesn't have any class, the only script command, which I found being able to interact was setdamage.

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To post on the issue again, I have found a few map objects that do not have a vehicle class.

They can be found if you check their ID through the debug-camera, though you can't f/e place them.


(The 30 maxspeed sign): signt_speedlimit30.p3d

It doesn't have any class, the only script command, which I found being able to interact was setdamage.

classless objects can't really be manipulated in any way (trees and bushes are a good example, though there is exceptions like buildings, using setdamage like you said). They can be found using:

_myClasslessObjects = nearestObjects[player,[],20]; //returns everything, including classless objects within a 20 meter radius

Worth noting that most of these objects follow a logical prefix naming scheme so they can be found easily using a function like trimstring (tree = t_ bush = b_)

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Didn't read all the posts here, but as for deleting static map objects, I'd like to use the pragmatic way if there's no reason not to do it, which is this:

   [color=#1874CD]_posTmp[/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]=[/b][/color] [color=#191970][b]getPosATL[/b][/color] [color=#000000]_x[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]
   [color=#000000]_x[/color] [color=#191970][b]setDamage[/b][/color] [color=#FF0000]1[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]

   [color=#006400][i]//if building ruin would have to be deleted afterwards:[/i][/color]
   [color=#1874CD]_posTmp[/color] [color=#191970][b]spawn[/b][/color]
       [color=#191970][b]sleep[/b][/color] [color=#FF0000]10[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]
       [color=#191970][b]deleteVehicle[/b][/color] [color=#191970][b]nearestObject[/b][/color] [color=#000000]_this[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color]
[color=#8B3E2F][b]}[/b][/color] [color=#191970][b]forEach[/b][/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]([/b][/color][color=#8B3E2F][b]([/b][/color][color=#191970][b]nearestObjects[/b][/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b][[/b][/color][color=#000000]player[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b],[/b][/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b][[/b][/color][color=#8B3E2F][b]][/b][/color][color=#8B3E2F][b],[/b][/color] [color=#FF0000]50[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b]][/b][/color][color=#8B3E2F][b])[/b][/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b]-[/b][/color] [color=#8B3E2F][b][[/b][/color][color=#000000]player[/color][color=#8B3E2F][b]][/b][/color][color=#8B3E2F][b])[/b][/color][color=#8B3E2F][b];[/b][/color][/color]

Kudos to Killzone_Kid for his SQF to BBCode Converter.

Neither proper nor recommended, but effective for large scale levelution. ;)

(Consider it an inspiration, not a solution.)

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