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'resupply': cant stop ai destroying the urals!

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When i try to get the two RPG'ers to engage the T72 and BMP they open up with AK74's!. Also I can't stop them targeting the two Urals!. the cutscene says theres explosives in them, yet after being destroyed there is'nt!..., what to do?!... sad.gif

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Do it all yourself, that's what I did smile.gif

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You know, I was always pissed about my AI destroying ammo trucks and it's still happening. tounge.gif

What I try to do is: Give the order 'Engage'-'Engage' .... not 'Engage At Will', also give them specific targets to shoot at ie: T72, BMP, soldier.

When the big threats are gone tell them 'Engage'-'Hold Fire'

if you can't take the drivers out, position 2 MG's 200m in front of the trucks and tell them 'Engage'-'Engage At Will'

With machine guns they are likely to take out only the driver, especially when in front.

Also in general, turn on auto reporting in difficulty if you can (not sure but I think it helps), and get close to the disabled trucks fast, get your men to follow you.... once they realize the trucks are no longer a threat they stop shooting.


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I'll try it all myself just to get past it quick. its pissed me off enough allready!...

another thing I noticed was trying to switch from RPG to binoculars with the key(not menu. hav'nt tried that yet), press it once and it says 'weapon binocular'(top left corner) but you've still got the RPG in hand, press it a second time and it switches to the AK74!!, press it a third time (by which time both Urals are history, and you've got a T72 barrel up your Jaxie!wink.gif. and you finaly get Binos'!!(which go back to AK74 when you press again sad.gif ). which really helped target that T72 at a goodly distance like you thought it would! tounge.gif ...

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