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Artillery computers, multiple rounds

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Can the artillery computers of the 2S9 Sochor and similar be programmed to fire multiple rounds, and if so, how? I don't mean like a machinegun of course, but programming firing 4 rounds at a spot and clicking once, it's called a "computer" after all, rather than click, fire, wait for reload, fire, etc?

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In game or real life?


A single gun can fire up to 8 rounds that can impact at the same moment.. without an onboard FCS. Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact(MRSI) isn't really platform specific. Due to the evolution of the Fire Direction Center(FDC), multiple fire teams can be coordinated via battlenet or standard radio to employ each weapon in firing up to 8 rounds that will hit simultaneous to all rounds of all weapons of all teams. The result is just a few teams firing several hundred rounds that hit a small area simultaneously 50+ klicks way. Combine this capability with various munitions such as cluster and WP, and you're talking serious scorched earth. Forget jet fighters and SEALs.. the amazing capabilities of NATO Artillery and MLRS are seriously underrated. They should make a movie.. but I guess the extreme level of brutality wouldn't really be socially acceptable.

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In game or real life?


A single gun can fire up to 8 rounds that can impact at the same moment.. without an onboard FCS. Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact(MRSI) isn't really platform specific. Due to the evolution of the Fire Direction Center(FDC), multiple fire teams can be coordinated via battlenet or standard radio to employ each weapon in firing up to 8 rounds that will hit simultaneous to all rounds of all weapons of all teams. The result is just a few teams firing several hundred rounds that hit a small area simultaneously 50+ klicks way. Combine this capability with various munitions such as cluster and WP, and you're talking serious scorched earth. Forget jet fighters and SEALs.. the amazing capabilities of NATO Artillery and MLRS are seriously underrated. They should make a movie.. but I guess the extreme level of brutality wouldn't really be socially acceptable.

Yes, the RL 2S9 Sochor.

Someone just saw a documentary or something ;). FYI, you don't need "a few teams" to do MRSI, some already existing pieces of artillery like the German Panzerhaubitze 2000 can do a one-gun 5-shell MRSI.

Now back to the question. Is there a way to increase the amount of rounds in a burst through the Artillery Computer? In Arma 3, in case anyone is still confused?

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"Burst"? Do you mean like a Metal Storm artillery piece (see picture)? Or semi - automatic fire? You can already do semi - auto, just click the "Fire" button when it lights up. Or do you mean MRSI? You can do that too. Just fire a few rounds from say "Far" range mode then switch to "Medium" and fire some more when the estimated time of impact is equal to that of the rounds you fired in "Far" mode.


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You'd have to modify the config to reduce the reload time. Or setup the gun so it can fire in a "burst" or so on. Fact is that you can still get the same rounds out just as quick, just have to click faster.

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