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BW-Mod: Evade & escape / Ausweichen und entkommen...

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Ich möchte hier mal meine BWmod-Mission vorstellen:

Zum Steam-Workshop,

Ich hoffe sie gefällt.

Kritik & Anregungen bitte auch im Workshop unter die Mission schreiben, nicht nur hier im Forum.


May I introduce you to my BWmod-mission:

Link to Steam-Workshop,

I hope you like it.

Please write your critics and improvements below the mission in steam workshop too, not only here in this forum.

Greetz Purzel



Nach einer Patroullie ist Ihnen ihr SPz Puma ausgefallen, erreichen Sie zu Fuß das Flugfeld im Norden von Molos und entkommen Sie mit dem Hubschrauber. Rot markierte Flächen sind Sperrgebiet und liegen in feindlicher Mörserreichweite!


Your tank "Spz Puma" has broken down while on patrol, reach the airfield north of Molos and escape with the helicopter. Red marked areas are forbidden and will result in enemy mortar attacks.

Benötigte Mods / Needed Mods:

@BlastCore_A3 Blastcore A3


@CAF_AG Agressors



@task_force_radio Task Force Radio





Viel Spaß und gebt mir jegliches Feedback, um die Mission zu verbessern!

Have fun and give me every feedback to improve the mission!

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Edited by Purzel

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About Required mods:

Are you sure about all in that list?

Seems some are required and some are not.

For example, needed mods:




The other ones not so sure are needed but more like optional.

For example BlastCore and Taskforce radio.

Lastly, is this MP:mad: or SP?:)

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Sorry, it´s MP and SP, but you better play in COOP...

I don´t know if I have to deactivate all other mods, if I dont use them in that mission.

What about "blastcore", its only an effect mod,but I dont know if YOU will need it too, when I build a mission, with that mos activated.

In the mission required mods are:






because they´re used in the mission.





are needed for the functionality of TFR and XMedSys.

cTab is now NOT implemented in the mission, but will in further versions.

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Hey, I'd like to play this mission - never played one with BW Mod in ArmA3, but you could at least post the links to your addons on armaholic, instead of letting me guess what addon to download.

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