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Map Edit keeps kicking people

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Here is my issue: My server usually runs Patrol Operations 3.1. At the rest of my fellow community members I wanted to add information on the map for our TeamSpeak address, etc. I decided to extract the .pbo folder and edit the mission file in the editor to add simple markers at the top of the map. Now, when ever that map file is loaded on the server, a vast majority of people just get straight kicked off the server with no reason given. In game all that appears is "[player] connecting" "[player] connected" "[player] disconnected".

I know Patrol Ops runs a lot of scripts, however the only thing I did was open the mission.sqm in the Arma 3 editor, add 3 markers with text, saved the mission file, exited and compiled the .pbo again. I am wondering what is causing this.

I did edit the file while my mods were enabled: POMI_PMC, VTS Weaponresting, Task Force Arrowhead Radio, CBA and Shacktac Fireteam HUD. I did not add anything in the editor that was related to any mods, I just added the 3 markers with NATO flags.

I do not think that the issue is server related as it does not do this for any other mission we have used.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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You may have inadvertently saved a dependancy to one or more of your mods. (hence people not having exactly the same mods would not be able to play).

Try disabling all your mods then turning the addons and addonsauto entries in the sqm to empty arrays.




Then save and export. Also, make a backup of the sqm before playing about with it anymore.

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Oh, I always keep back ups, because the code in Arma 3 is not my cup of tea... I'm not very codely if you will. Okay, will this always happen if I edit a map file with mods enabled? Also, if I want to use a particular skin or mod, should I edit the file with it, then delete these entries in the sqm?

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It's best not to edit with mods running (unless your mission depends on units from a mod being placed into the mission for instance).

In your case you mention above, you should enable the PMC mod while editing (if the mission has PMC units on the map), but disable all the others otherwise the mission may become dependent on them, wheras they look more optional to me.

Don't delete any sqm entries related to mods you need (like maybe the PMC) otherwise if people don't have the mod and then join, they get invisible units and other such weirdness.

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Okay another question. Say I wanted to add a Chinook and a fast-rope/heavy lift script that was a mod to my mission files. However, I still wanted my server to be public and to allow anyone to join, would the only downside of this operation be that the players without the mods would not see the one helicopter and some of the features? Or would this completely not work?

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Some mods add more map markers to choose from, it could be that the map marker you used is part of an addon and that creates a dependency on it. The rope/lift script shouldn't matter - although they might get an error popup.

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