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SGT Fuller

Muzzle effects not dissapearing when firing

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The picture speaks for itsself. The muzzle effects are constant and i would like some help to know how to make them only show up when firing. Im also looking for muzzle effects for the CSAT Anti Air vehicle and the Nato Slammer to add in the smoke i would like to do also. Any help would be appreciated and thanks

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Make sure your zasleh proxy names match in your config, model.cfg, and O2 LODs. Also double check "selectionFireAnim= zasleh3" (or whatever your fire proxy is called) (inside your config)

Edited by WarLord554

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Im also looking for muzzle effects for the CSAT Anti Air vehicle and the Nato Slammer to add in the smoke i would like to do also. Any help would be appreciated and thanks

Smoke is defined differently, they are defined inside the class of the weapon (cfgweapons)

class yourweapon {
  class GunParticles	{
		class FireEffect	{
			//effectName="CannonFired";          //other possible effectnames
			positionName="tur2_mzl_start"; //or usti hlavne //point in memory LOD
			directionName="tur2_mzl_end"; //or konec hlave //point in memory LOD

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Thanks for the effect names makes it easier to get what i need. Will these smoke names be effected by blastcore? that's what i want also

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no idea, just test it out... if blastcore modifies the effects then it should take an effect too.

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Ok after doing some tests with dezkit at the helm he got them to dissappear now we cant get them to reappear upon firining

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You have a backup version on hand? Could cross check it. When you preview in viewer is the muzzleflash present? If not double check that model.cfg for proper matching selection names

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After so much trial and error i still cannot get the animations to go off when firing..smoke works fine.

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animationsources in the model.cfg would be the first place to look, then make sure the model.cfg paths are correct when binarizing the model

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do you have shotfromturret=1 in your weapon config somewhere? i had the same problem, which cost me 5 grey hair before i was able to locate the cause

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here is the turrets part of my config

---------- Post added at 15:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:52 ----------


class Turrets 
		class MainTurret : NewTurret
			body = "main1turret";
			gun = "main1gun";
			animationSourceBody = "main1turret";
			animationSourceGun = "main1gun";
			gunnerAction = "AC130U_Pilot";
			gunnerName = GAU_12/U Equalizer;
			turretInfoType = "";
			discreteDistance[] = {800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2250, 2500, 2750, 3000};
			discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2;
			gunnerOpticsModel = "";
			proxyIndex = 1;
			castGunnerShadow = 0;
			ejectDeadGunner = 0;
			proxyType = "CPGunner";
			minElev = -22.5;
			maxElev = 22.5;
			initElev = 0;
			minTurn = 70;
			maxTurn = 110;
			initTurn = 90;
			weapons[] = {GAU_12};
			magazines[] = {"2000Rnd_PGU_25_HEI", "2000Rnd_PGU_25_HEI", "2000Rnd_PGU_25_HEI", "2000Rnd_PGU_25_API", "2000Rnd_PGU_25_API", "2000Rnd_PGU_25_API"};
			soundServo[] = {"\ac_130u\sounds\weapons\turret.ogg", 0.000178, 0.9};
			memoryPointGun = "machinegun_GAU_12";
			memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_GAU_12";
			showgunneroptics = 1;
			startEngine = 0;
			forceHideGunner = 1;
			outGunnerMayFire = 1;
			inGunnerMayFire = 1;
			irScanToEyeFactor = 0.1;
			sensitivity = 1;
			hasgunner = 1;
			gunBeg = "muzzle_GAU_12";
			gunEnd = "chamber_GAU_12";
			gunnerForceOptics = 1;
			commanding = -1;
			primarygunner = 1;
			class OpticsIn
				class Wide
					opticsDisplayName = "W";
					initAngleX = 0;
					minAngleX = -30;
					maxAngleX = 30;
					initAngleY = 0;
					minAngleY = -100;
					maxAngleY = 100;
					initFov = 0.466;
					minFov = 0.466;
					maxFov = 0.466;
					visionMode[] = {"Normal", NVG, "Ti"};
					thermalMode[] = {0, 1};
					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Commander_02_w_F";
				class Medium : Wide 
					opticsDisplayName = "M";
					initFov = 0.093;
					minFov = 0.093;
					maxFov = 0.093;
					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Commander_02_m_F";
				class Narrow : Wide
					opticsDisplayName = "N";
					gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\Weapons_F\Reticle\Optics_Commander_02_n_F";
					initFov = 0.029;
					minFov = 0.029;
					maxFov = 0.029;
		class Main2Turret : MainTurret
			weapons[] = {L60};
			magazines[] = {"10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE", "10Rnd_40mm_HE"};
			proxyIndex = 2;
			soundServo[] = {"\ac_130u\sounds\weapons\turret.ogg",3,0.9}; 
			gunnerName = L/60 Bofors cannon;
			body = "Main2Turret";
			irScanToEyeFactor = 0.1;
			gun = "Main2Gun";
			animationSourceBody = "Main2Turret";
			animationSourceGun = "Main2Gun";
			gunBeg = "muzzle_l60";
			gunEnd = "chamber_l60";
			memoryPointGun = "machinegun_l60";
			memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_l60";
			gunnerForceOptics = 1; 
			primarygunner = 0;
			commanding = -2;
		class Main3Turret : MainTurret 
			weapons[] = {M102};
			magazines[] = {"100Rnd_105HE"};
			soundServo[] = {"\ac_130u\sounds\weapons\turret.ogg",3,0.9}; 
			proxyIndex = 3;
			gunnerName = M102 howitzer;
			irScanToEyeFactor = 0.1;
			body = "Main3Turret";
			gun = "Main3Gun";
			animationSourceBody = "Main3Turret";
			animationSourceGun = "Main3Gun";
			gunBeg = "muzzle_m102";
			gunEnd = "chamber_m102";
			memoryPointGun = "machinegun_m102";
			memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_m102";
			gunnerForceOptics = 1;
			primarygunner = 0;
			commanding = -3;
		class Main4Turret : MainTurret
			gunnerName = Copilot;
			weapons[] = {};
			magazines[] = {};
			gunnerInAction = "AC130U_Pilot";
			memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
			memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
			preciseGetInOut = 0;
			gunnerForceOptics = 0;
			gunnerLeftHandAnimName = "stick_copilot";
			gunnerRightHandAnimName = "stick_copilot";
			proxyIndex = 4;
			LODTurnedIn = 1100;
			LODTurnedOut = 1100;
			gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1";
			commanding = -1;
			startEngine = 1;
			class ViewPilot : ViewPilot 
				initFov = 1;
				minFov = 0.3;
				maxFov = 1.2;
				initAngleX = 0;
				minAngleX = -40;
				maxAngleX = 85;
				initAngleY = 0;
				minAngleY = -150;
				maxAngleY = 150;
	class EventHandlers
		init = "[_this select 0]execVM ""ac_130u\scripts\orbit\init.sqf"";[_this select 0]execVM ""ac_130u\scripts\init.sqf""";
	class AnimationSources 
		class door_1 
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 2.5;
			initPhase = 1;
		class door_2_2 
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 2.5;
		class door_2_1 : door_2_2 {};
		class ramp_top : door_2_2 {};
		class ramp_bottom : door_2_2 {};
		class recoil_source_M102 
			source = "reload";
			weapon = M102;
			animPeriod = 0.01;
		class recoil_source_L60
			source = "reload";
			weapon = L60;
			animPeriod = 0.01;
		class Muzzle_flash
			source = "ammorandom";/// this source returns some random value changine each time ammo is spent from this weapon - used for muzzle flashes
			weapon = GAU_12;/// this is the said weapon
		class Gatling_GAU_12 
			source = "revolving";
			weapon = GAU_12;
			animPeriod = 0.01;

class cfgWeapons 
class CannonCore;	
class m102 : CannonCore
	scope = 1;
	cursor = "Vehicle_W_MG";
	cursorAim = "EmptyCursor";
	cursorSize = 0.5;
	flashSize = 0.25;
	displayName = M102;
	nameSound = "cannon";
	ballisticsComputer = 1;
	magazines[] = {"100Rnd_105HE"};
	reloadSound[] = {"\ac_130u\sounds\weapons\reload.ogg", 1.0, 1, 20};
	magazineReloadTime = 2;
	autoReload = 1;
	canLock = "LockYes";
	modes[] = {"manual"};
	laserLock = 1;
	irLock = 1;
	class manual : CannonCore
		autoFire = 0;
		sound[] = {"\ac_130u\sounds\weapons\105_fire.ogg", 10.0, 1, 1200};
		reloadTime = 3;
		dispersion = 0.0001;
		initSpeed = 1090;
		multiplier = 6;
		showToPlayer = 1;
		burst = 1;
		aiRateOfFire = 3;
		aiRateOfFireDistance = 2000;
		minRange = 10;
		minRangeProbab = 1.0;
		midRange = 1500;
		midRangeProbab = 1.0;
		maxRange = 4000;
		maxRangeProbab = 1.0;
class GAU_12 : CannonCore
	scope = 1;
	cursor = "Vehicle_W_MG";
	cursorAim = "EmptyCursor";
	cursorSize = 0.5;
	flashSize = 0.25;
	displayName = "GAU-12/U";
	nameSound = "cannon";
	ballisticsComputer = 1;
	magazines[] = {"2000Rnd_PGU_25_HEI", "2000Rnd_PGU_25_API"};
	canLock = "LockYes";
	modes[] = {"manual"};
	laserLock = 1;
	irLock = 1; 
	class manual : CannonCore
		displayName = "Auto";
		autoFire = 1;
		sound[] = {"\ac_130u\sounds\weapons\GAU12_s2.wss", 10.0, 1, 1200}; 
		reloadTime = 0.00770614;
		dispersion = 0.0009;
		initSpeed = 1590;
		multiplier = 6;
		showToPlayer = 1;
		burst = 1;
		aiRateOfFire = 0.001;
		aiRateOfFireDistance = 2000;
		minRange = 10;
		minRangeProbab = 1.0;
		midRange = 1500;
		midRangeProbab = 1.0;
		maxRange = 4000;
		maxRangeProbab = 1.0;
class L60 : CannonCore 
	scope = 1;
	displayName = "Bofors 40 mm L/60";
	nameSound = "cannon";
	cursor = "Cannon";
	cursorAim = "EmptyCursor";
	cursorSize = 0.5;
	ballisticsComputer = 1;
	weaponLockSystem = 4;
	magazines[] = {"10Rnd_40mm_HE"};
	magazineReloadTime = 5;
	autoReload = 1;
	canLock = "Lockyes";
	modes[] = {"manual"};
	class manual : CannonCore 
		displayName = "Auto";
		autoFire = 1;
		sound[] = {"\AC_130u\sounds\l60.wss", 10.0, 1, 1200};
		reloadTime = 0.5;
		dispersion = 0.001;
		initSpeed = 1590;
		showToPlayer = 1;
		burst = 1;
		aiRateOfFire = 0.001;
		aiRateOfFireDistance = 1500;
		minRange = 10;
		minRangeProbab = 1.0;
		midRange = 1500;
		midRangeProbab = 1.0;
		maxRange = 3000;
		maxRangeProbab = 1.0;

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ok for starters try putting your weaponnames in ""

like "GAU_12" and also in animsources


gunnerName = L/60 Bofors cannon; should DEFINITELY be like gunnerName = "L/60 Bofors cannon";

that will stop the config from breaking

also try adding an entry in this

turretInfoType = "weaponrangezeroing";

instead of blanking it

then maybe rem this out for a bit until you get the basic muzzleflash working

// class Muzzle_flash

// {

// source = "ammorandom";/// this source returns some random value changine each time ammo is spent from this weapon - used for muzzle flashes

// weapon = GAU_12;/// this is the said weapon

// };

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1)you dont have a selectionFireAnim in your turret config defined - not 100% if one is needed

2)in your p3d, create the proxy and make a selection of this (name it like you do the selectionFireAnim)

3)create a Section in the CfgModels part of your model.cfg

class myclass: xyz {

	sectionsInherit = "xyz";
	sections[] = {

	skeletonName = "xyzSkeleton";
	class Animations: Animations {};		

otherwise the selectionFireAnim can't hide the muzzle flashes

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  Fennek said:
1)you dont have a selectionFireAnim in your turret config defined - not 100% if one is needed

2)in your p3d, create the proxy and make a selection of this (name it like you do the selectionFireAnim)

3)create a Section in the CfgModels part of your model.cfg

class myclass: xyz {

	sectionsInherit = "xyz";
	sections[] = {

	skeletonName = "xyzSkeleton";
	class Animations: Animations {};		

otherwise the selectionFireAnim can't hide the muzzle flashes

Exactly what I was talking about fuller, fennek worded it a lot better :)

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