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If Between range of direction

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So this script creates a sheep behind the player.

The while loop at the end is getting the players direction and should exit the loop when the player is within 30 degrees (+-) of facing the sheep.

Therefore if the players initial direction is 210. The loop will exit when the direction is between 420 and 360 degrees. (Players Direction + 180 (+-30))

The problem is that the 'GETDIR' is 0-360. So it will never trigger for the 420 or Minus figues.

Please math genius's. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

_player = _this select 0;

_randDir = getDir vehicle _player;
_randDist =4;
_enemyLoc =	[(getPos vehicle _player select 0) - (_randDist * sin(_randDir)), (getPos vehicle _player select 1) - (_randDist * cos(_randDir)), 0];

_veh = createVehicle ["Sheep_random_F", _enemyLoc, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_veh setpos [_enemyLoc select 0,_enemyLoc select 1,(_enemyLoc select 2)+2];

		_dir= [_veh,_player]call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo;
		_veh setdir _dir;

_veh enablesimulation False;
_behind=_dir -180;
_left=_behind + 30;
_right=_behind - 30;

while {true} do 
_currentDir=getdir _player;

hint format ["%1||Left:%2 | Right:%3",_currentDir,_left,_right];

if (_currentDir > _right AND _currentDir < _left)
	exitwith {
	 deletevehicle _veh;
	//null=[] execVM "screenFlare.sqf";
sleep 0.5;

Edited by BangaBob

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I'm scared to ask. But what is the intention of this script?

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I'm scared to ask. But what is the intention of this script?

Nothing scary or exciting. I can assure you

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Creepy ship following you and then disapearing when you not looking? Slendership :D

Not sure I get what you going for but player direction and player's eyes direction completly different things. Just saying.

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Not sure I get what you going for but player direction and player's eyes direction completly different things. Just saying.

Good point. I basically need a script that can detect when a unit is facing towards something.

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I have a little something for you. That's how you get eye direction.

_player_raw_dir = eyeDirection player;
_player_eye_dir = ((_player_raw_dir select 0) atan2 (_player_raw_dir select 1));

---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ----------

how is this? Would it work?

(_direction - 180 + 360 == _relative_direction + 360)

Edited by Champ-1

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Use BIS_fnc_inAngleSector...

[getPosATL player, getdir player, 30, getposATL _sheep] call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector;

Will return true if the sheep is within a 30degree arc of the players facing direction.

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Use BIS_fnc_inAngleSector...

[getPosATL player, getdir player, 30, getposATL _sheep] call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector;

Will return true if the sheep is within a 30degree arc of the players facing direction.

Nice one. Had no idea this function existed. Combined with the eyeposition command this could be my problem solved! :D

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