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Any suggestions on the anti-heli mission?

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First, what gear should I outfir my guys with? Second, what's a good plan of action? I'm never able to destroy all the choppers before getting rushed by three infantry squads.

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For myself, i took an M21 and an RPG launcher. For everyone else, i gave at least one other guy a sniper rifle, cause its great support. Everyone else, i gave FN FALs, and i think i had two other RPG soldiers and two guys with AA launchers. One thing, never give anyone a machine gun. They will just waste ammo and draw attention to you.

For a plan of action, i did this. I went up the east side of the runway, and kept to the hills. Theres a BMP2 patrolling around here, but the crew are turned out, and it stops at one point, so you can just snipe the crew, and be done with it. DO NOT blow it up or steal it though. Other armored units will find you and kill you easily if you do. When you start seeing the choppers, proceed slowly by crawling (i know its a bitch, but it keeps your profile low), and tell all your men to hold fire. Otherwise, they could start too early before you have everything in view.

Get close enough so that everything is within firing range for your squad. Your AA soldiers will be able to hit the choppers even while they're on the ground, but they have to be close enough. There will be a squad patrolling west of you, but they wont see you if no one fires, and youre all prone. Wait for them to get as close to the choppers as possible, and start the show when youre ready.

Pick off as many infantry as you can before you start on the choppers. No pilots should take off in them as long as you kill them first. There should be a BMP that comes and tries to mess with you, but thats what all your RPGs are for. Tell your AA soldiers to fire at the choppers one at a time, otherwise they'll both aim at the same one and waste a missile.

As far as the choppers go, there are two Mi24s and an Mi17 outside that are in clear view, and then theres a V80 in a hanger. To get it, you can just flank to the west, and take cover by the bank until you have it in view. There are only four choppers total.

As far as getting out, I went WAAAAY down around to the west, around the hills, and back up to the truck. Once your squad is in, just follow the only road there to the town to end the mission.

Hope this helps, good luck smile.gif

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i got a sniper rifle and rpg gave my guys lotas aa and rpg ammo got on a hill destroyed bmp and waited for other things to arive, then procced to airbase sniped all infantry shot a few heles on the ground and one in te air with rpg got my aas guys on other one that got airborn stole the v80 and went for a joy ride.

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I've done the campaign twice now, so that the second time i could conduct the missions knowing what weapons to take and what tactics to use.

The first time I did this mission, I ran with my men to the sea-side of the runway (blowing up any tanks on the way). We crawled up the slight slope next to the runway, out of sight from enemy patrols, but so that all of us could see the enemy soldiers (and were in range) . While my men were on hold fire, i gave the RPG soldiers targets (the helis), and the rest were ordered to fire at men. At this point I then noticed a V-80 in an opposite hangar biggrin.gif I crawled to the V-80, leaving my men on the runway, and when i got spotted, ordered my men to open fire. Most of the choppers and enemy soldiers were killed, but by the time i got in the V-80, so were all of my men.

I took off in the V-80, killing anything that showed up red on the radar (including 5 Shilkas).

The second time I did this mission, I left all of my men at the truck and just crawled all the way to the hangar with the V-80 inside. Got in, took off, and again killed anything that showed up red on the radar. biggrin.gif

Didn't take to long doing the second option, and on the next mission i had all of my men biggrin.gif

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depending on how you start in this mission, you can sometimes make a beeline to the airport and the armor patrolls will be nowhere in sight, or just leaving an area where they would have seen you. i manage to get in full view of the airport by the time the mi-17 is coming in to land the patroll of troops it's got inside. i get 2 AA soldiers to target and i order 1 of them to fire at it just as the first 3 soldiers get out. i leave all my men behind and rush up to the airport while my men distract the enemy with bullets. then it's just destroy destroy destroy. make sure to have at least 3 guys carrying extra AA missiles so they can resupply the AA soldiers.

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