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1D10T Question about Port 2234

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Hello all,

When playing MP, I am unable to start a server using 2234. Consulting AvonLady's FAQ, I changed it to 2235 and that worked. My friends and I merrily went on our way and have enjoyed weeks of play now.

Well, the time has come that I want to play though GameSpy or All Seeing Eye. I have initially had some problems so I am wondering if my not being able to use 2234 is the culprit.

So my 1D10T questions are these:

1) Can I join other's games and can others join mine if I am using a different port? My experience is that with direct IP MP, no I/they cannot. I assume that that holds true when using player matching programs such as those mentioned above.

2) WHY can't I use 2234? Is there something on my system monopolizing that port? If so, how do I find out what is hogging it and how do I remedy that?

System info follows, all drivers are current:

Windows XP Home Ed.

AMD 1900+ XP

Leadtek GeForce 3 Ti500

Audigy Platinum (Does not use DirectX, or so I am told)

Two 3Com Etherlink NICs

ADSL Connection

(Anything else I should provide?)

Thank you in advance to all the kind souls who take their time to answer questions for idiots like me. smile.gif

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You didn't tell us if you're sitting behind a router/firewall or if you run a firewall on your puter. So, do you? smile.gif


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Btw, 2234 is also used by something called Direct Play so you might have something (software) controlling that port already.


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Yes, I am using the built in XP firewall. I am able to run my server from behind it on 2235 without having to specifically open up the port for it.


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Oops, added a lot to that response and didn't think it had posted. Here is the more complete response:

Yes, I am using the built in XP firewall. I am able to run my server from behind it on 2235 without having to specifically open up the port for it.

No hardware router or firewall. Though I imagine I should also mention I am using WinXP ICS.

What does DirectPlay do and can I disable it? Would I want to?

Also, after doing my previous post yesterday I was able to join a friend's game last night on 2234 but my outbound VON wasn't reaching my teamies, yet they were able to hear each other and I could hear them. However, when he set it up on 2235 it worked fine.


My DirectPlay (per DxDiag):


DirectPlay Service Providers


Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.01.2600.0000)

IPX Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.01.2600.0000)

Modem Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.01.2600.0000)

Serial Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.01.2600.0000)

DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnmodem.dll (5.01.2600.0000)

DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnmodem.dll (5.01.2600.0000)

DirectPlay8 IPX Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnwsock.dll (5.01.2600.0000)

DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnwsock.dll (5.01.2600.0000)

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You can't disable DirectPlay and still play OFP -- DirectPlay is one of the DirectX APIs, and OFP uses it for the network code and Voice-over-IP communications.

I really doubt that Microsoft's ICF firewall doesn't open the entire DirectX port range (2300-2400) by default. The 2234 port isn't in that range, so you may need to open it manually: Start->Settings->Control Panel->Network Connections->Local Area Connection->Properties->Advanced->Settings->Add

Check AvonLady's OFP FAQ for a complete list of ports that are required:


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One more thing regarding the VON in OFP: we have found that we all need to toggle VON off and back on every time someone new joins the game, or the new player can't be heard.

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