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Can you kill any reds the first mission?

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In the first mission, where Victor takes the bus to Lipany and the Soviets invade, are there any weapons or ways to kill the soviets other than running them over?

I've been able to kill up to three, but then I get fragged. Repeatedly.

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I did what you did: I drove over one. Grabbed his rifle. Killed everyone else. Went out of town and did not have my rifle at home the following evening mad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ July 26 2002,16:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I did what you did: I drove over one. Grabbed his rifle. Killed everyone else. Went out of town and did not have my rifle at home the following evening  mad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I thought about doing that but I knew that it would spoil the story.

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Heh, that sounds like fun.  I'll give it a shot and post how far I get.

*didnt get far*


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Hehe didnt take the bus to work,i stole some guys sports car haha biggrin.gif

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um yea i jumped in a car and ran over 15 or more troops then grabbed guns rpg ectthe troops never started shooting at me untill i shot at one of them,anyways i took out the tank and 2 bmps,and all the troops only bummer was the little car dont hold many weapons,it took about 2 hours to kill everything with out getting killed,well i did get killed several times but just kept saving the game everytime i killed a few,eventually i got out of town with 3 rpg launchers and ak74su,s and when at home the next mission my shotgun was still there,even tho i didnt use it,i ran to the shed and grapped the resistance guys weapon.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but just kept saving the game everytime i killed a few,<span id='postcolor'> How? You can only save once! Or did you modify the file?

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I prefer ALT-TAB rather than setting the retry zone, it works better that way just in case something happens right after, I can fix it easy enough.

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Just thought I'd post to the people talking about taking the bus and the cars and such...you know that your motorbike is ready for you to take it don't you? If you talk to the mechanic it adds to the storyline and then he tells you that you need to fill her up...so you take it to the petrol/gas station where you hear the president on the radio talking about members of the government going to Moscow. You then ride on to your office in the capital where you hear more on the radio and get the usual cutscene. When the 'reds' storm the city all you have to do is run down the stairs and hop on your bike before going home. If you wait alittle before leaving the office your character says to himself...better go back north...seems to be the safest place...by stealing guns and fighting you ruin the storyline, especially since you don't get your gun back in the next mission.


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btw you don't need to fill up the motocycle. You got enough gas to drive all over the island smile.gif

...so no need to stop by a gas-station and get that cut-scene with the radio smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ July 29 2002,10:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">btw you don't need to fill up the motocycle. You got enough gas to drive all over the island smile.gif

...so no need to stop by a gas-station and get that cut-scene with the radio smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

What? Iv'e jus tested to drive around for some minutes and then it stopped... No gas, damn! So, what are you talking about Shadow? Some bug?

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Yeah I destroyed the entire Soviet Presence on everon in that mission lol I ran over an officer and just for frun grabbed his gun and kill everyone. I think the beggining is a bit dumb with BMPs just killing civilians for no reason its just yelling at you ALL SOVIETS ARE EVIL VILLANS WITH NO CONSIENCE THERE IS NO REASON FOR THIS THEY JUST LIKE KILLING

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I'm gonna have to go back and do that mission again then, I just ran like a chicken on foot. I thought they would target a vehicle biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lazarus_Long @ July 30 2002,01:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Where is that garage with the motorcycle?  I ran around everywhere looking for it.<span id='postcolor'>

The central compund of Petrovice.

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the motorcycle is right in the central plaza of Petrovice, took me a while to find it.

BTW it is really odd that the Soviets took such a brute force approach, not even Guba would do that if he had half a brain.

How did the Soviets enter afghanistan?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (scario @ July 29 2002,10:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ July 29 2002,10:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">btw you don't need to fill up the motocycle. You got enough gas to drive all over the island smile.gif

...so no need to stop by a gas-station and get that cut-scene with the radio smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

What? Iv'e jus tested to drive around for some minutes and then it stopped... No gas, damn! So, what are you talking about Shadow? Some bug?<span id='postcolor'>

Atleast I did'nt run out of fuel. I drove to Lipany with it. Then I escaped with it. Never stopped at any gas-station tounge.gif

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For me the bike ran out of gas right in the middle of nowhere. I like to play the game realistically so i had to run for 10 minutes to find someones car to nick sad.gif and when i found one, i felt all bad and stuff. The bus came down the road i was stuck on as well and the git wouldn't stop and almost ran over my bike sad.gifconfused.gif then later i crashed the car i nicked into a electrical tower thing cos i was driving all flash, and that meant i had to walk for ages to find another car to nick mad.gif Then i crashed that one because as you go over the bridge theres a little dip which i flew over at high speed and i flew into a light and crashed and died sad.gif So i had to do the mission again, this time i got some gas.

I parked the bike on the porch of the building victor works in, and when the ruskies invaded i ran outside but i couldn't get in the bike, so i was there for ages trying to figure out what was wrong, so by the time i legged it the spetsnatz were everywhere and owned me sad.gif so i had to do all that again sad.gif the bike has been nothing but a curse to me

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC_Mike @ July 30 2002,06:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How did the Soviets enter afghanistan?<span id='postcolor'>

Pretty much as they do in Nogova.

The Soviets were never famed for their subtle entrances into their neighbours countries.

They often swayed elections to fall in their favour and turn the country communist before rolling the tanks in. As they did with many east European countries. This was more often than not peaceful however. But the odd occasion springs to mind when the local people would do anything in their power to piss the advancing tanks right off...like in Hungary when the people of Budapest spilled drums off soap infront of the tanks so they lost their traction before setting light to them. This started a war...which the Russians were very enthusiastic about winning. All the west could do was watch from the Austrian boarder and hurry refugees across whilst the Russians on the other side of the boarder dealt harshly with anyone that tried to cross over. It was in direct contradiction of the American Marshall plan that the Hungarians urged the US to put into effect...but the west couldn't risk starting a war with the Soviets.

In Afganistan they weren't prepared to take any shit and just went in guns blazing with Spetz Natz operations and massive tank assaults on civilian populations. They assumed the take over would be easy. But the approach they took was understandably unpopular and the Afgans really dug their heals in. Americans sent in CIA agents to train the resistance members with many weapons, namely the Stinger missile...which was used to great effect.

The Resistance campaign quite closely reflects this approach. Somewhat realistically portraying the Russians as underestimating small civil populations. It isn't too far fechted to believe that the Russians might have assaulted a small island group in this fashion.


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I also read that during the invasion of afgahn russian spetnaz units used commercial flights to get inside major airports...

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The trabant will explode after 2 SHOTS LOL

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How did soviets enter afghanistan?

Spetznaz first came in, wiped out any real resistance in the cities, paradrops came in on key locations, wiping out resistance there. Army came in to consolidate control. Then, afghan population made a jihad against soviet forces. Basically every civilian had a gun and was going to kill you if you were a soviet soldier

jub-jub-- what ahve you been smoking? They didn't target civilians specifically, it was not a policy. They were not nazis or fascists. They targeted the muijahedin in afghanistan, and it got out of control. as even 12 year old boys had a kalash.

Then, after the guerilla war started, search and destroy ops were made by Mi-24s. Basically, they would sight the enemy, bomb the shit out of him, and land some soldiers to clean up. Unfortunately, the mujahedins had black market stingers and strelas, and war wasn't going good.

It was very much like vietnam, except 6 times less deaths for soviets, and they managed to conquer all major cities.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ruud van Nistelrooy @ July 30 2002,15:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">For me the bike ran out of gas right in the middle of nowhere. I like to play the game realistically so i had to run for 10 minutes to find someones car to nick sad.gif and when i found one, i felt all bad and stuff. The bus came down the road i was stuck on as well and the git wouldn't stop and almost ran over my bike  sad.gif  confused.gif then later i crashed the car i nicked into a electrical tower thing cos i was driving all flash, and that meant i had to walk for ages to find another car to nick  mad.gif Then i crashed that one because as you go over the bridge theres a little dip which i flew over at high speed and i flew into a light and crashed and died  sad.gif So i had to do the mission again, this time i got some gas.

I parked the bike on the porch of the building victor works in, and when the ruskies invaded i ran outside but i couldn't get in the bike, so i was there for ages trying to figure out what was wrong, so by the time i legged it the spetsnatz were everywhere and owned me sad.gif so i had to do all that again  sad.gif the bike has been nothing but a curse to me<span id='postcolor'>

LOL!. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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