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web based administration for server?

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When I started writing this post, I just wanted to see if there was some form of web interface for server management, but just in case there is a better alternative solution I will present my problem in its entirety.

We currently run a clan server on a shared windows box, about 3-4 people in our clan have remote access to that server, and they, including myself are in charge of managing missions/mods and server settings etc.

However we run busy lives and we get a lot of requests for uploading new missions throughout the week and changing the launch parameters to enable/disable specific mods. It gets a bit tedious, so we would like to give the other clan members a modicum of control regarding which mods the server loads and the ability to upload new maps without having to give them access to the remote desktop, partly from a security aspect we don't want everyone to have access and b, some of them are not very IT literate.

I know vilayer has a rather good web interface, but I assume they built that themselves and haven't release it for public use, I did find the following in my forum search, but it doesn't look like its been touched in a number of years...


Any suggestions?

Edited by catatonicChimp

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We use a combination of

  1. Firedeamon: via its web interface is used for stopping/starting server instances, running batch commands, auto update the DEV server daily etc
    Use one service per set of params or allow a trusted account to edit the command line params
  2. FTP accounts for uploading\Deleting missions
  3. RDP limited access for "special trusted individuals"

This enables us to do everything we need to run an ArmA server/community remotely

Although Firedeamon isn't free, its a one off payment and it's worth it's weight in gold. I wouldn't be without it.

Edited by Terox

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if $$ is not a problem you can use TCAdmin software ($15USD license per month) - it's not simple to setup and install but it allows you to do everything you want. It might be overkill for just one server and one instance of Arma however :p

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