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PBO packed with Addon builder don't work properly

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Hello guys,

I came here trying to resolve a problem it's getting me annoying. Well, I've searched on this whole forum but any of them has fixed the problem.

When I try to pack a pbo with addon builder (options below) and test it on Arma 3, somethings don't work properly like animations or the flash of the gun permanently activated (see the imagen below). The addon works fine because a friend has compiled the same addon without getting the same errors i get so I think i'm doing anything wrong..

My options on addon builder are:

Addon source directory - "p:\MYADDON"

Destination directory - "C:\Users\MYUSER\Desktop"

Clear temp folder - activated

Create signature - activated

Binarize - activated

List of files to copy directly - "*.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;*.ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.bisurf;*.shp;*.rvmat;"

Create log file - activated

Patch to signature file - "P:\MYADDON.biprivatekey"

Patch to temporary folder - "C:\Users\MYUSER\AppData\Local\Temp\"

Patch to project folder - "p:\MYADDON" (NOT USEABLE)

Use source patch - Activated

Addon prefix Automatically - Activated

Aparently all has been packed fine but when I test it on Arma 3. This screenshot show one of many strange behaviour with the guns:


And this happens when I pack an addon that containing soldiers (That's the same addon for soldier shown before compiled by me):

http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3317208571787490034/7D0040046A0FE5521855CDFEFD521F98DDE3CBA6/ (234 kB)

And getting some errors like "Cannot load texture blabla\blabla\blabla ca.paa"

Anyone here know what's happening? I'm really desperate...

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Okay guys, I've discovered the model.cfg.txt on the packed and binarized pbo... And that's not correct because "in theory" it won't to be there when the pbo is packed by Addon builder..

In the meantime I can see on the log created by Addon builder some error make me dude about the properly work of the tool, this is the last line of the .log file:

"84 texture headers saved to file "C:\Users\MYUSER\AppData\Local\Temp\MYADDON\texHeaders.bin"

Error description: 5: Acceso denegado.

CPAcquireContext failed"

Any suggestion?

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get pboproject from mikero

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I'm pretty sure muzzle flash should be defined in model.cfg and config.cpp, it's not a problem caused by addon builder.

Also, if you see a file named "model.cfg.txt" that means you didn't save the file with the correct extension.

It should be just model.cfg, and as you said when you binarize it and open the pbo, that file shouldn't be there.

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Yep, Finally I've discovered that when I download the addon (opened), for some reason my S.O rename automatically the model.cfg to model.cfg.txt... So the solution is changing this to his correct extension .cfg

So much thanks to you!!

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