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Looking for Testers: Development Snapshot - Mercenary Campaign

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I have a detail question to all the great people who tested it already or are still on it. Is the date and time continious for you? Or are there flaws? Large steps forward or even backward? I'm experiencing that the date shifts exactly one day forward every time I use skipTime. Now the funny thing is, that this is not supposed to happen and it doesn't happen on my desktop at home. I just have this flaw on my laptop which I currently use for development because I'm not in my hometown at the moment. It's not an issue since the time is set correctly and it doesn't affect the gameplay at all. Just the days are wrong, which gives a detail nerd like me headaches.

So, anyone out there experienced / remembers time shifts >= 24 hours?

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Just creating some custom AAF signs, but the letters should look more "used" in my opinion. What do you think?

2014-04-27_000014ol8c.jpg 2014-04-27_000029zzqw.jpg 2014-04-27_000037iytl.jpg

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If this supposed to be a new inscription on the old board, then it looks fine (although some minor, convenient imperfections always welcome). If however inscriptions are as old, as the board, then rusty stains etc. should cover the letters, not vice versa, and this is not so easy...

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Yes, I could argue that they've taken old signs and put up new letters recently. However, the look right now more results from my incompetence when it comes to image editing. I would like to make it look used but I've got no idea how. Tried some GIMP tutorials yesterday but it never turned out to actually look good, so I kept the clean look for now. Maybe I'll find a simple filter that makes it look like paint at least.

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Today I drove by those huge research facilites to drop off a client and was wondering who actually owns them...


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