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Zeus with mods, how do I do it?

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So I got my own Zeus mission functioning but thats not enough. I also want the SFP (Swedish Forces Pack) mod to work with the mission. I tried following this tutorial but it seems that method doesn't work anymore. Anyone able to help me / teach me how to implement it into the mission? Thanks!

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Be interested in hearing any way to do this as well. I'd like to add Zeus support into my missions that have a few mods as well, and I can load it up fine from the editor, but if I put it on a dedicated server and try to load in with some friends, the mission lets us through the role selection screen and then just drops out of the mission and loads the next mission in the list.

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The manage addons-module from zeus is probably set to "All official addons", which includes all server side addons and their dependencies. If the server is running a different mod-set than the clients, you wont be able to play the mission.

If you want to include custom units it usually works by placing one of the units in the editor and sync it to the manage addons-module.

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At least in my case I have the Zeus Gamemaster module Default Addons set to "Addons present in the scenario" and it still drops out of the mission.

Do you know if the addons/mods have to be _exactly_ the same on client/server? I do know for example most of us use STHud, but I don't have that running on the dedicated server, and I have Arma Server Monitor (ASM) running on the server, but none of the clients of course have it running.

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This is how I got some of my content mods working:

The problem right now is that most mods are not configured properly to be used with the Zeus DLC. So at the moment its a bit touch and go with which mods work and which don't.

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Do you know if the addons/mods have to be _exactly_ the same on client/server? I do know for example most of us use STHud, but I don't have that running on the dedicated server, and I have Arma Server Monitor (ASM) running on the server, but none of the clients of course have it running.

No, it's mods only that spawn something. clientside addons, like sthud or blastcore or stuff, don't matter.

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Well then, there are no actual mods that spawn anything in my missions. There are scripts like AI Spawn Script Pack or EoS that spawn units on the server/headless client, but that's it. The only mods that are running on the server are the A3 Map Pack/Addon Pack, CBA, ACRE and ASM. Wonder if it's ACRE related since that spawns new radio classes...

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The only mods that are running on the server are the A3 Map Pack/Addon Pack, CBA, ACRE and ASM. Wonder if it's ACRE related since that spawns new radio classes...

If you're running the A3MP-AP without the maps, you can't play the missions. The manage addons-module adds dependencies for every addon you're using. If you have A3MP-AP running on your server, but not namalsk, fata, podagorsk, clafghan or fallujah, you can't play any mission with the manage addons-module placed. You have to have those maps on the server (all of them!) or remove the compatibility fixes from the A3MP-AP-folder manually.

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Yeah, I think the problem was addon related.

Slightly unrelated question. Say I want Zeus to basically be able to do everything without any restriction, any idea of what the minimum set of addons I should use?

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