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Zeus Player Markers are not Appearing, also Player Pinging Zeus is not functioning

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As the subject says. Player markers are not appearing for me, and when my players attempt to ping "Big Z", there is zero feedback for Zeus or players (it doesn't work.) Anyone else getting this issue? Any guidance on how to troubleshoot?

I'd include pictures, but it's hard to display what IS NOT appearing, if you know what I mean.

Edit: Thanks, mods. Was agonizing over which topic category to put this one in.

Another Edit:

  Submarine_Sandwich said:
My reaction about five minutes ago when I figured out what I was doing wrong:

http://i.imgur.com/6HMIefy.gif (1679 kB)

Hokay. So, guys, you've been having the same problem as me, yeah? Ten bucks says you've ALSO been trying to build a new mission for yourself or your buds, right? AAaaaaaaaand you've got the Zeus module dropped in there all pretty-like, yeah? Synched up or otherwise linked with some playable characters of any variety you like? How much y'wanna bet you, like me, forgot to drop in the GAME MASTER module from under GAME MODES?

[F7] Modules > (Category) Gameplay Modes > (Module) Game Master

Drop that sucker right into your mission. Synchronize it up with your Game Master module (the other one, from the Zeus category of the Modules) and you'll be rockin' and rolling in no-time.

More details available upon request. Dangit I feel dumb.

Edited by Submarine_Sandwich

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I've "see" the same problem. Regular Version.

But maybe a problem with the key commands. Check this..i will try it today again.

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Yeah, we double-checked some things and the problem persists. It's not a game-breaker, but it's absolutely annoying. I'll try some things later and report back if I find what's up.

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Any progress on this one? We've got the same problem, which isn't really a dealbreaker but being able to ping Zeus would be convenient.

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My reaction about five minutes ago when I figured out what I was doing wrong:

http://i.imgur.com/6HMIefy.gif (1679 kB)

Hokay. So, guys, you've been having the same problem as me, yeah? Ten bucks says you've ALSO been trying to build a new mission for yourself or your buds, right? AAaaaaaaaand you've got the Zeus module dropped in there all pretty-like, yeah? Synched up or otherwise linked with some playable characters of any variety you like? How much y'wanna bet you, like me, forgot to drop in the GAME MASTER module from under GAME MODES?

[F7] Modules > (Category) Gameplay Modes > (Module) Game Master

Drop that sucker right into your mission. Synchronize it up with your Game Master module (the other one, from the Zeus category of the Modules) and you'll be rockin' and rolling in no-time.

More details available upon request. Dangit I feel dumb.

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Okay, so I tried this with our current missions and am getting stuck.

On the server the map attempts to load, we pick our slots, continue in to the mission and then it kicks us back to the mission select screen.

In the editor I get a brief glimpse of an error before the loading screen resumes and then it just sits at the loading screen and won't load the mission.

I've got both Game Master modules in, the gameplay one and the Zeus one, with the gameplay module synced to the zeus module which is in turn synced to the player unit we have open for mission commanders.

I can't see the error and have no idea what it is; you didn't happen to run into this issue as well, did you?

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  Submarine_Sandwich said:

[F7] Modules > (Category) Gameplay Modes > (Module) Game Master

Drop that sucker right into your mission. Synchronize it up with your Game Master module (the other one, from the Zeus category of the Modules) and you'll be rockin' and rolling in no-time.

Thx, it works !

But, when a player respawn (not with Zeus respawn point), his marker disappear. Someone has an idea about this ?

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Try this Proclès, add this your init.sqf:


while {true} do {


if (side _x == west) then


Curator addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];


if (side _x == east) then


Curator addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];


if (side _x == independent) then


Curator addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];


if (side _x == civilian) then


Curator addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x],true];


}foreach allUnits;



Change Curator for whatever your Zeus Game Master module is called.

Edited by Caeden

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  Caeden said:
Try this Proclès, add this your init.sqf:

Change Curator for whatever your Zeus Game Master module is called.

I cannot get this to work, I think it is something to do with... "curator" what exactly is this? a module or simply the variable used to call the units able to use Zeus?

I am still unsure of exactly what modules I need for Zeus for a general multiplayer game, I am unable to get the player respawn module to work either (that is placed by Zeus),

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  Rich_36 said:
I cannot get this to work, I think it is something to do with... "curator" what exactly is this? a module or simply the variable used to call the units able to use Zeus?

I am still unsure of exactly what modules I need for Zeus for a general multiplayer game, I am unable to get the player respawn module to work either (that is placed by Zeus),

Replace "curator" with whatever you have named your Zeus module.

The modules you require in your mission are the 'Zeus' module, and the 'Game Master' module.

As far as the respawn module, that doesn't work 'out of the box'. You have to edit your 'description.ext' file; see this link for further info: http://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/254mgk/zeus_how_do_the_respawn_points_work/

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