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check if has been KILLED (not !alive)

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So I have a group of units all of which have a probability of presence. I want a trigger to fire if one of those units has been killed. I I use "!alive unit_1 OR !alive unit_2 OR... ...!alive unit_n" the trigger wo#'t work if one of those units has not even spawned to begin with because of probability of presence... How can I check if a unit actually has ben KILLED rather than is not alive?

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Make sure the object (unit) is not null before checking if its alive.

{   !(isNull _x) && { !(alive _x) }  }count [unit1, unit2, unit3, unit4] == 0

The {} wrapped around !(alive _x) make sure it is only checked if !(isNull _x) is true.

So if it exists, see if its alive.

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after the "group" was created, add an event killed for each unit of the "group" .


_x addeventhandler ["killed", {job to do;}];

}foreach units "group";

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@ mariodu62: In my case it is not a group of units. They're all single units, since I have placed them at specific locatiosn and when they are grouped they will immediately leave those positions to regroup with their leader.

@ Larrow: I see. I tried to implement your script like this:

!(isNull _x) && { (!alive _x) AND (alive flareGuy) }  
count [s1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7] == 0; 

So, I have units S1 through S7 and the unit flareGuy. I want the flareGuy to launch a flare if one member of the set {S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7} has been killed and he himslef is still alive. So, I ave put that into the condition field of the trigger that also launches the flare. But nothing happens once I replace the old condition with the one above and one member of the set is killed. Only once I also kill flareGuy the trigger fires... ?? But it explicitly say !alive _x AND alive flareGuy. What am I doing wrong? :/

Edited by Evilhardt

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My code was not a direct fix to your problem but an example of how you can check if a unit exists, so checking anything else (e.g alive) does not throw an error.

If you want to know that at least 1 unit is dead but not care about who then something like...

{ !(isNull _x) && { !(alive _x) }  }count [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7] > 0 && alive flareguy 

Out of those that exist, if atleast 1 is dead AND the flareGuy is alive then return TRUE

Should do the job


You can use Mariodu62 example, it does not matter that they are not in a group to begin with just add a killed event to each one that runs your code.

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if it's an array, replace group by the array...


_x addeventhandler ["killed", {job to do;}];

}foreach [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7];

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