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About Evilhardt

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  1. Thanks. @ mariodu62: In my case it is not a group of units. They're all single units, since I have placed them at specific locatiosn and when they are grouped they will immediately leave those positions to regroup with their leader. @ Larrow: I see. I tried to implement your script like this: { !(isNull _x) && { (!alive _x) AND (alive flareGuy) } } count [s1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7] == 0; So, I have units S1 through S7 and the unit flareGuy. I want the flareGuy to launch a flare if one member of the set {S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7} has been killed and he himslef is still alive. So, I ave put that into the condition field of the trigger that also launches the flare. But nothing happens once I replace the old condition with the one above and one member of the set is killed. Only once I also kill flareGuy the trigger fires... ?? But it explicitly say !alive _x AND alive flareGuy. What am I doing wrong? :/
  2. No, I made a mistake. It is working indeed. Thank you.
  3. Ah I see! Thx. The forcespeed 0 is a good idea, but the units will move a few steps from their spot anyway, which is already too much for my case.
  4. So I have a group of units all of which have a probability of presence. I want a trigger to fire if one of those units has been killed. I I use "!alive unit_1 OR !alive unit_2 OR... ...!alive unit_n" the trigger wo#'t work if one of those units has not even spawned to begin with because of probability of presence... How can I check if a unit actually has ben KILLED rather than is not alive?
  5. Old thread, I know. But anyways. I got the same issue and the above code doesn't work for me... When I put it in a game logic object I get a syntax error with no text. So I put it in a SQF and called that through the init.sqf posSniper = getPos sniper; while {true} do {setPos sniper posSniper; sleep 0.25; }; posARM = getPos ARM; while {true} do {setPos ARM posARM; sleep 0.25; }; This looks completely fine and logical to me but it does nothing.
  6. Evilhardt

    lockWP issue

    Thx, I used talk waypoints with LockWP now.
  7. Evilhardt

    lockWP issue

    Thanks. I thout lockWP would work around this stupid thing with units only stopping from progressing through WPs... oh well. The thing is I have these units spawned in certain postures guarding another location. Is it possible to let them get into that posture also when reaching the initial waypoint through the activation filed of teh waypoint? Or do I need a new trigger and stuff just for that?
  8. So, I got a seek and destroy waypoint for 2 units (unit1, unit2). I got a game logic object in which I put: unit1 lockWP true; unit2 lockWP true; And I got a trigger that fires when some unit of another group is not alive. In that trigger's OnAct I put: unit1 lockWP false; unit2 lockWP false; So what I want is, that the two units start moving only once the trigger fired. But they start moving right away, without the trgger havig fired. Can somebody explain to me why that is? :/
  9. Evilhardt

    Equalize infantry speeds

    Thanks. I have tried your speed levels and I think they are good enough. I tried adjusting them to get an even better fit, but those are indded the closest you get it seems.
  10. Evilhardt

    Equalize infantry speeds

    As I said, I have already used forceSpeed. It does not slow him down the way needed. Speed of 0 he does not walk at all. Speed of 0.1 he does not walk at all either, 0.3 he walks just as quick as if there was no modifier. When I set the other guys' speed to 2, they are still as slow as if there was no modifier. When I set it to 3 they will run a few meters then hold and wait. Then run a few meters again and hold and wait... the cohesion is kept up this way but it looks retarded. I want them to move in a chilled manner. @Squeeze: I guess I'll have to try this in lack of more elegant solutions :D
  11. Hi, I need to find a way to force units without weapons to walk at the speed of units with weapons. The latter walk more slowly than the former which causes the squads cohesion to break apart. Is there a way to fix this? The situation is that I have a patrolling team. One of the bots has all weaposn removed and a camping lantern attached to his hand. He needs to be the leader of the squad, because if he isn't his pathfining will go nuts and he will teleport all over the place because of the lantern. But him being leader causes the other guys to lose cohesion, becuause their walking speed (limited) is slower than the lantern-guy's. I have already experimented with forceSpeed with no success. Any other idea on how to work around this issue? :/ ---------- Post added at 01:35 ---------- Previous post was at 23:47 ---------- So, a rather meh-ish workaround I came up with was to put the bots weapons into their backpacks. But now they won't take them out when attacked... is there a "takeFromBackpack" command?
  12. Evilhardt

    Define Unit Inits through SQF

    Thanks, it woks now. Unfortunately in MP it causes the underwear bug. Even though up to now I was merely assigning the exact same uniform I had removed beforehand.
  13. Evilhardt

    Define Unit Inits through SQF

    Cool, thx. Here is the current state of the script, just to make sure: { helmet = [1, 2, 3] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; uniform = [1, 2, 3] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; vest = [1, 2, 3] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; face = [1, 2, 3] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //check side of unit if (side _x == east) then { //remove all items and clothes removeallweapons _x; removevest _x; removeuniform _x; removeheadgear _x; removeallassigneditems _x; _x removeweapon 'NVGoggles_OPFOR'; //check if AR dude if (typeOf _x == "O_Soldier_F") then { //assign helmet switch (helmet) do { case 1: { _x addHeadgear 'H_HelmetSpecO_ocamo'; }; case 2: { _x addHeadgear 'H_MilCap_rucamo'; }; case 3: { }; }; //assign uniform switch (uniform) do { case 1: { _x addUniform 'U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo'; }; // options for more different uniforms case 2: { _x addUniform 'U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo'; }; case 3: { _x addUniform 'U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo'; }; }; //assign vest switch (vest) do { case 1: { _x addVest 'V_PlateCarrier1_blk'; }; case 2: { _x addVest 'V_HarnessO_brn'; }; case 3: { _x addVest 'V_HarnessOGL_brn'; }; }; //assign face switch (face) do { case 1: { _x setFace 'PersianHead_A3_01'; }; case 2: { _x setFace 'PersianHead_A3_02'; }; case 3: { _x setFace 'PersianHead_A3_03'; }; }; //add non-randomized AR dude specific items _x addmagazines["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green",7]; _x addWeapon 'arifle_Katiba_ACO_pointer_F'; }; //check if LMG dude if (typeOf _x == "O_soldier_M_F") then { //assign helmet switch (helmet) do { case 1: { _x addHeadgear 'H_HelmetSpecO_ocamo'; }; case 2: { _x addHeadgear 'H_MilCap_rucamo'; }; case 3: { }; }; //assign uniform switch (uniform) do { case 1: { _x addUniform 'U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo'; }; case 2: { _x addUniform 'U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo'; }; case 3: { _x addUniform 'U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo'; }; }; //assign vest switch (vest) do { case 1: { _x addVest 'V_PlateCarrier1_blk'; }; case 2: { _x addVest 'V_HarnessO_brn'; }; case 3: { _x addVest 'V_HarnessOGL_brn'; }; }; //assign face switch (face) do { case 1: { _x setFace 'PersianHead_A3_01'; }; case 2: { _x setFace 'PersianHead_A3_02'; }; case 3: { _x setFace 'PersianHead_A3_03'; }; }; //add non-randomized LMG dude specific items _x addmagazines["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer",3]; _x addWeapon 'LMG_Zafir_F'; }; //add non-randomized general items _x addPrimaryWeaponItem 'optic_Arco'; _x addmagazines["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",3]; _x addWeapon 'hgun_Rook40_F'; _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; {_x enableGunLights "forceon"} foreach units group _x; _x addEventHandler ["FiredNear",{[_this,_this select 1] execVM "snd.sqf";}]; }; } forEach allUnits;
  14. Evilhardt

    Define Unit Inits through SQF

    After your last post I already had put the classnames into strings. There is some other issue. But I just don't see it.