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Best Skill Level

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Just curious what the best skill level would be for Veteran.... I've currently got my AI at 7. I'm trying to simulate reality although I'm wondering if 7 is too strong as the Ai rarely miss. It seems after a couple of rounds have landed it's goodnight sweetheart. It sure makes a challenging MP game. Would you say 5 is a better balance and more realistic than 7?



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Depends on the enemy type you're trying to "simulate".

Some backdoor thugs should behave different than soldiers or SF.

To be really sure about your settings you could invite a few players to playtest your mission and check their feedback.

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You can set the individual skill level for a number of abilities, not just an overall value.

For example.

Here's a quick and dirty script to do just that.

put this in the init of the AI Group Leader

SKILLS = group this;_skill=[sKILLS] execVM "SetSkill.sqf";

And the SetSkill.sqf script

/* Put this in the init of the Group Leader of a Patrol
  SKILLS = group this;_skill=[sKILLS] execVM "SetSkill.sqf";

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
   _group =  _this select 0;

// Regular fair skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.15];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.15];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.6];
} foreach units _group;

Here are other configurations to try*

// Normal Human
	_x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.65];
	_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.95];
	_x setskill ["spotTime",0.85];
	_x setskill ["courage",0.75];
	_x setskill ["commanding",1.00];
	_x setskill ["aimingShake",0.65];
	_x setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.85];
	_x setskill ["endurance",0.75];
	_x setskill ["reloadSpeed",0.75];
	_x setskill ["general",0.8];

// Conscript very low skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.05];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.05];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.02];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.02];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.2];

// Rebels low skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.05];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.05];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.4];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.4];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.3];

// Regular fair skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.15];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.15];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.6];

// Trained soldiers medium skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.4];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.6];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.6];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.7];

// SpecOps good skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.8];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.8];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.9];

Taken from the mighty Eggbeast's post here. AI-Skill-Settings

Edited by Beerkan

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here is my base AI skill, called function that is applied to spawned units.

if(!isServer) exitWith{};


_x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.3];

_x setSkill ["aimingShake", 0.7];

_x setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 0.4];

_x setSkill ["commanding", 1];

_x setSkill ["courage", 1];

_x setSkill ["endurance", 1];

_x setSkill ["general", 1];

_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 1];

_x setSkill ["spotDistance", 0.8];

_x setSkill ["spotTime", 0.6];

} forEach (_this select 0);

Keep in mind, AI skill in MP is also determined by server/network/mission performance.

If the server is sluggish and its just chugging along, AI will be less skilled as their CPU usage is waiting in the same line as other processes.

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You can set the individual skill level for a number of abilities, not just an overall value.

For example.

Here's a quick and dirty script to do just that.

put this in the init of the AI Group Leader

SKILL = group this;_skill=[sKILL] execVM "SetSkill.sqf";

And the SetSkill.sqf script

/* Put this in the init of the Group Leader of a Patrol
  SKILL = group this;_skill=[sKILL] execVM "SetSkill.sqf";

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
   _group =  _this select 0;

// Regular fair skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.15];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.15];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.6];
} foreach units _group;

Here are other configurations to try*

// Normal Human
	_x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.65];
	_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.95];
	_x setskill ["spotTime",0.85];
	_x setskill ["courage",0.75];
	_x setskill ["commanding",1.00];
	_x setskill ["aimingShake",0.65];
	_x setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.85];
	_x setskill ["endurance",0.75];
	_x setskill ["reloadSpeed",0.75];
	_x setskill ["general",0.8];

// Conscript very low skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.05];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.05];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.02];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.02];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.2];

// Rebels low skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.05];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.05];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.4];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.4];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.3];

// Regular fair skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.15];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.15];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.1];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.6];

// Trained soldiers medium skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.2];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.4];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.6];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.6];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.7];

// SpecOps good skill
	_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.3];
	_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.5];
	_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.8];
	_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.8];
	_x setSkill ["general", 0.9];

Taken from the mighty Eggbeast's post here. AI-Skill-Settings

here is my base AI skill, called function that is applied to spawned units.

Keep in mind, AI skill in MP is also determined by server/network/mission performance.

If the server is sluggish and its just chugging along, AI will be less skilled as their CPU usage is waiting in the same line as other processes.

Cheers chaps I'll give them a go. I think skill level 7 generally is too unrealistic as AI are too accurate. Their courage is set to high too when in real life self-preservation and anxiety would definitely be more of a factor.

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Well guys, I edited the AI's skill level parameters and WOW, what a difference! The game was much more enjoyable as the firefights last longer and are way more immersive. The mission I created is already difficult, what with everything turned of - i.e., crosshairs, 3rd person, player tags etc.. I hosted a game yesterday and had eight of the ten available slots filled and everyone had a blast and seemed to enjoy the mission - so much so they hung around for round two and some even three. The mission was taking over an hour to complete so I think it's an achievement to keep players wanting more.

Having bullets hitting all around you chalking up dust is so much more enjoyable than having the second or third bullet kill you. Way less frustrating too.

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