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Pickup Carry Bodies Splinter Cell style

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I was wondering if anyone has made or ever thought of making a script that allows the player to pickup and carry a body. Like most medic scripts do. As well as, have a detection aspect to dead bodies, where if an enemy sees a dead body, they would switch into the combat state or switch to the seek and destroy waypoint behaviour.

On the Splinter Cell theme, is it possible to make a player captive when in shadows but uncaptive when in the light?

I like making stealth recon marine type missions and a script like this to enhance the experience would be awesome.

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I've understood that BIS removed capabilities for affecting dead bodies (to conform with censorship requirements), beginning with some Arma 2 version. 'Source' for the reason being hearsay and


So picking up a dead body would involve removing the corpse and spawning a new unit to simulate one. Don't know how credible it's possible to get that looking. The second point (behaviour when seeing corpses) should be manageable, since bodies can still be accessed via script. For the shadows I have no idea, unless you start making triggers for every shadow and do really weird checks for if a vehicle light is pointing in that direction.

For simple stealth missions I've used bored_guard setSkill ["spotDistance", 0]; bored_guard setSkill ["spotTime", 0]; until there's an alert, to give the players more leeway.

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Yes you can do it. Details here:


I didn't bother pursuing it, but it's deffo possible to get it working more user-friendly.

As for shadows, you could return the position of the sun with some maths and run a check for nearestObjects to check if there are any objects in range of the player that would keep them in the shadows. You would also need to filter the objects for boundingBox/sizeOf to see if they are big enough to cast a shadow big enough to hide the player. It sounds like a lot of work though (for you and also the scripting scheduler in game). Maybe there is a better solution, but I can't think of it right now as I have a hangover and need more coffee.

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ill try the bored guard first. mission im working on I just set the player captive and put triggers that arc out looking like view cones, that set captive true if player is inside and then back to uncaptive for the deactivation. been working so far. just didnt have anything for the patrolling guards.

thanks for the suggestions

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