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Adjust Cemlight Brigntness

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I'd like to adjust the brightess of chemlights I have spawned via createVehicle and attached to bots. I find them to be too bright and would like to dim them quite a bit. Is this somehow possible?

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I believe for this to work you need to make ur own light

light1="#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0];
light1 setLightIntensity 3000; //same as _light setLightBrightness 1;
light1 setLightAmbient [1,1,0.5];
light1 setLightColor [3,0,0];
light1 lightAttachObject [playerName,[0,0,0]]

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Oh, that's unfortunate, as I seem to be unable to reproduce a lighting that looks like the one chemlights produce :/ But thank you anyway! :)

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Oh, that's unfortunate, as I seem to be unable to reproduce a lighting that looks like the one chemlights produce :/ But thank you anyway! :)

you want it to look like a chemlight? Like what brightness etc?

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Well I think it has very different lighting characteristics compared to chemlights. Chemlights lit area is smaller but brighter and has less a soft edge to it. The lightintensity to radisu curve is very steep for chemlights with a very strong increase towards radius = 0. While the lightpoint has a very flat curve. And there are no parameters to define the steepness of of the curve for teh lightpoint. What I wanted was a very small radius with a very steep curve. I wanted the chemlights to look as they do when they fire up for the whole duration of their life.

Look here:


Basically I want a light source, that casts no actual light on it's sourrounding but only glows itself. But if the amount of casted light was only small comapred to the glowing itself that would do too.

Edited by Evilhardt

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well, shot in the dark (Da-Dum-tiss) maybe do over time dose it basically do a setDamage 1;? Cause if so u could constantly reset the damage to 0 (Bright)

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