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What happened to the 1-9 descriptions/items in the menu?

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In previous versions of Arma, you could see what options were available from the context/squad menu so you didn't have to memorise them (i.e. F1 select a unit, then 4 for vehicle and then 1 to disembark or 1-1 to return to formation etc)

Those shortcuts still work but the items don't come up on the context menu so you must, for example, know that 4 brings up the vehicle menu instead of seeing it on the menu? Am I missing something here?

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You need to understand the modern generation.

Backwards is the new forwards!


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I memorized them back in 2001 so I've never a problem with them in Arma, but I have wondered why they were removed. There's still room on the screen even after they added the quick-command menu.

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It would be OK if the quick menu gave you the same options (i.e added functionality) but it seems to just present you with a list of options that you don't even need....?

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