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disable respawn timer

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okey so im making a revive script and the only problem i got right now is that how can i disable the respawn timer in the Description file with out removing the respawn for the file.

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no he will still spawn to Respawn_west i need to make it so when the script file is done like i got a timer so when the timer is done then he will respawn

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I'm so confused by what you are asking.

Revive scripts work, generally, by not killing the player at all. But rather, putting them into a "downed" state when they take enough damage. Then after a certain amount of time, if not revived, the script actually kills the player and then the normal respawn takes over.

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will i do it like this then player setdamage 0.5; or something and then when timer is out player setdamage 1;

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Just use the timer as a condition. The timer is a variable, so in this example lets just say its _timer. You could do it in many ways.

hint "Wait for the timer!";
waitUntil {_timer == 0};
hint "You're dead chump!";
billybob setDamage 1;

while {_timer > 0} do {
    hint "You're not dead yet!";
hint "Now you're dead!";

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okey i will try this and thanks for the help

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