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Implement Tasks for Join in Progress MP players

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task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Destroy Radar Position"];
task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy Radar Position","Destroy Radar Position","Objective 1"];
task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_1");
task_1 setTaskState "Assigned";
player setCurrentTask task_1;

task_2 = player createSimpleTask ["Destroy Training Camp"];
task_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy Training Camp","Destroy Training Camp","Objective 2"];
task_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "task_2");

Trigger when Task 1 Completed: ON ACTIVATION

task_1 setTaskState "Succeeded";
["TaskSucceeded",["Task1 Completed"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;
task_2 setTaskState "Assigned";
["TaskAssigned",["Now do Task 2"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;

The above code works perfectly for everyone who is connected to the server but as soon as new people connect to the server they cannot see that Objective 1 is complete as it it still stuck on Assigned, but for the people who have been connected 100% of the time it correctly is marked as "completed".

How can I fix this? I don't want to use the modules and marker thing in the editor as it is a very cumbersome system and is hard to read when you have AI down, waypoints and triggers all over the map.

I did find a suggestion from an ARMA developer, he suggested using BIS_fnc_MP but I cannot work out how to incorporate my trigger code into the function, can someone help me?


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You could set a global variable on task completion and then use it for JIP to skip to the next task in your script.


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Yes, DasClark is right - just separate the logic so that one trigger sets and publishes the variable (taskKillOfficerCompleted = true; pyblicVariable taskKillOfficerCompleted), another - works on this variable as condition and updates the task.

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Well, I'm writing from work now, so I can't post an example mission... But here's how to create such a mission:

1.Add a playable (say, BLUFOR) soldier for the player

2.Add an enemy unit named "officer"


task1_officerKilled = false; // Set the global variable - task not yet completed
task1 = player createSimpleTask ["Kill the officer!"]; // Create the task. Important - this creates a local task for the player, so if player teamswitches, the task would disappear
task1 setTaskState "Assigned"; // Assign the new task

Trigger 1 (this trigger monitors the game conditions and sets the corresponding task variable)


!alive officer

On activation

task1_officerKilled = true; publicVariable "task1_officerKilled";

Trigger 2 (this trigger monitors the task variable and updates the task state)



On activation

task1 setTaskState "Succeeded";

You can monitor the state of task1_officerKilled variable in the Watch section of "Debug" window in the "Esc" menu, while previewing the mission.

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Create the file initPlayerLocal.sqf. Anything in that file will run on the client that connects to your mission and it's JIP compatible too.

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