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Mission weapon selection

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Okay, if this has already been an issue before, I apologize. I made a search and couldn't find it, but I may have used the wrong key words.  If this topic has already been discussed, please feel free to set up a link to it.

Anyway, I simply want to know how you limit (or not limit) the weapons a character can select from at the beginning of the game?  

For example, in the GEAR tab during Mission Briefing, how would I set it up so that the character could select from ANY weapon? ...from only a certain number of weapons? ....from no weapons (is stuck with the default I assigned)? Also, for that matter how about selecting 2nd weapons (LAW, Carl Gustav, etc.), Other (NVGs, Binocs, etc.)?

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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Hmm, try searching for description.ext.

That's where you set up a Weapons and Magazines class with all the info. smile.gif

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I did a search for "description.ext", and though I found a handful of posts, none discussed this specific matter.

Any other ideas?


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Okay, Ralph...

Here is a "description.ext" file from a random mission I just took apart.  Please show me where I would select what weapons that character can select from in the beginning:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">

class CfgRadio


     sounds[] =


            Tm_back2, Tm_tngd1, Tm_tngd2. Tm_tngd3, Tm_body, Tm_down, Tm_mndn1, Tm_notn1, Tm_dry, Tm_mur, Tm_objcm, Tm_quiet, Tm_hstdn, Tm_inpos, Tm_mndn2


     class Tm_back2


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_back2.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_back2;


     class Tm_tngd1


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_tngd1.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_tngd1;


     class Tm_tngd2


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_tngd2.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_tngd2;


class Tm_tngd3


name = "";

sound[] = {"Tm_tngd3.ogg",db-0,1.0};

title = $STRM_Tm_tngd3;


class Tm_body


name = "";

sound[] = {"Tm_body.ogg",db-0,1.0};

title = $STRM_Tm_body;


     class Tm_down


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_down.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_down;


     class Tm_mndn1


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_mndn1.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_mndn1;


     class Tm_notn1


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_notn1.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_notn1;


     class Tm_dry


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_dry.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_dry;


     class Tm_mur


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_mur.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_mur;


     class Tm_objcm


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_objcm.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_objcm;


     class Tm_quiet


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_quiet.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_quiet;


     class Tm_hstdn


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_hstdn.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_hstdn;


     class Tm_inpos


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_inpos.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_inpos;


     class Tm_mndn2


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_mndn2.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_mndn2;


     class Tm_come2


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_come2.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_come2;


     class Tm_come3


             name = "";

             sound[] = {"Tm_come3.ogg", db, 1.0};

             title = $STRM_Tm_come3;



<span id='postcolor'>

.... thanks!

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LOL! this one doesn't!

but here is one form my mission.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">class Weapons


class AK74SU


count = 5;


class NVGoggles


count = 12;


class Binocular


count = 12;



class Magazines


class AK74


count = 30;


class HandGrenade


count = 20;


class PipeBomb


count = 15;


};<span id='postcolor'>

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Another example, if you want a very big weapon choice (only the leader of the squad or a player non affiliated can choose)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Weapons


class XMS


count = 2;


class G36a


count = 2;


class Steyr


count = 2;


class Bizon


count = 2;


class MM1


count = 2;


class 6G30


count = 2;


class M16


count = 2;


class M4


count = 2;


class M16GrenadeLauncher


count = 2;


class M60


count = 2;


class LAWLauncher


count = 2;


class M21


count = 2;


class HK


count = 2;


class CarlGustavLauncher


count = 2;


class AK74


count = 2;


class AK74SU


count = 2;


class PK


count = 1;


class SVDDragunov


count = 1;


class RPGLauncher


count = 1;


class AT4Launcher


count = 1;


class 9K32Launcher


count = 1;


class kozlice


count = 1;



class Magazines


class 6G30Magazine


count = 20;


class G36aMag


count = 20;


class SteyrMag


count = 20;


class BizonMag


count = 20;


class MM1Magazine


count = 20;


class M16


count = 20;


class M4


count = 20;


class HandGrenade


count = 20;


class M60


count = 10;


class GrenadeLauncher


count = 10;


class M21


count = 10;


class LAWLauncher


count = 6;


class HK


count = 20;


class CarlGustavLauncher


count = 3;


class Mine


count = 10;


class PipeBomb


count = 10;


class TimeBomb


count = 5;


class Mortar


count = 5;


class SmokeShell


count = 10;


class AK74


count = 20;


class AK74SU


count = 20;


class PK


count = 10;


class SVDDragunov


count = 10;


class RPGLauncher


count = 6;


class AT4Launcher


count = 3;


class 9K32Launcher


count = 2;


class kozliceball


count = 20;


class kozliceshell


count = 20;



<span id='postcolor'>

If you want to be a soldier part of a squad (and not the leader) and want to choose your weapon , just in the editor ungroup your soldier , then use a </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[PLAYER] join LEADER<span id='postcolor'> in trigger or init line (with player name of your soldier and leader name of the squad leader) and the trick is done

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Okay, Ralph.

Let's break this down... what do these things mean:

(1) "class Weapons" - Is this what section of the equipment you're specifying (i.e. Weapons, Equipment I, Equipment II, etc.)?

(2) "class [itemname]"- Is this the inclusion of the weapon in the players "to-choose-from" list? So that if the weapon name appears here, it will be available for the player to select?

(2) "count = 5;" - You got me on this. What value does the # represent?

Thanks a TON for your help...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">(2) "count = 5;" - You got me on this. What value does the # represent?

<span id='postcolor'>

I think that the # stands for the number of weapons "in stock".

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Any way to differentiate the side of the player? I mean : in a 2 sides MP mission, I want ppl to be able to select US weapons for West side, and Russian weapons for East side. So the gear section should be changed based on the side. Is there any way to do this?


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(1) "class Weapons" - Is this what section of the equipment you're specifying (i.e. Weapons, Equipment I, Equipment II, etc.)?

OFP uses C++'s class structure to define weapons. and each weapon is its own 'class'. so roughly, each 'class' is comparable to 'type' in reallife. like 'class M16' would mean 'type M16'

(2) "class [itemname]"- Is this the inclusion of the weapon in the players "to-choose-from" list? So that if the weapon name appears here, it will be available for the player to select?


(2) "count = 5;" - You got me on this. What value does the # represent?

Frugo_PL answered it. this is how much of that stuff you can get. i.e. "in stock"

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