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trigger bug? Dectected by Blurfor (player)

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Hey guys,

I want to make sure i am not missing anything.

I've created a trigger as follows:

Activation = OPFOR


'Dectected by Bluefor'

ON ACT: Hint 'trigger works'

I am player for Blufor

I create one Opfor unit and myself at Blufor. When i look or even shoot at the Opfor, not trigger. If i add AI to my group, then trigger works when AI spots. ANy ideas? Is it a bug? I reported it yesterday but most likely wont hear anything for days/weeks.


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Is the opfor unit in the trigger area? What is the size of your trigger? What distance are you trying to spot at? Using your method above worked fine for me.

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@cobra, i swear i'm driving myself crazy. I just tried it this morning (on a different PC) and its working. However my original attempt was to make it so that only when "player in thislist" it triggers it. I tested this again and this for a fact does not work. Trigger does contain both OPFOR and BLUFOR units.

Reason i am trying to user "player in thislist" is it seems to be broken and i think its related to TPW mod. When i leave it as is with "this" only, after a few minutes the trigger goes off on its own and i can't think of any other reason why. Havent tested it without the TPW mod yet however...

I've tried both "player in thislist" and "this && player in thislist" nothing seems to work...

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This is how I think it works.

Activation Opfor

Detected by Blufor

If any Opfor unit currently inside the trigger area is seen or heard by Blufor the trigger will activate.

Blufor does not need to be in the trigger area, Blufor is not included in thislist only Opfor units are.

If you want to detect the player as well you would have to do some more work.


this and [thistrigger,player] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger 

That will now include a check for the player in the trigger area but it will still go off if any other Blufor sees the Opfor

You can add another check for this to see how much the player knows about a unit.


this and [thistrigger,player] call BIS_fnc_inTrigger and player knowsabout (thislist select 0) >1

You could probably use a distance check if you want to detect the player even if he's not in the trigger area

this and (player distance thistrigger < 120) and player knowsabout (thislist select 0) >1

Edited by F2k Sel

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report the bug if you have everything right. Players of a couple of my missions have reported the same issue with opfor detected by blufor(player). Might have been one of the most recent game updates that broke it for some people. I just tested it, and it worked most of the time.

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@F2K, thank you, i will try this. Makes sense but would have never thought. I've done some searches and never seen this code before. Thanks

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