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take off NV Goggles?

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I have NPC soldier on OPFOR side, he is sitting in front of camp fire and he has Night Vision on eyes, so it looks unreal. Is there any way, how to take off NV Goggles from eyes of unit and not remove it from head?

unit action ["nvGogglesOff", <anything>] is bad solution...


Edited by D3VL3R

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What's wrong with nvGogglesOff? He puts them right back on afterwards?

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For example:

Opfor Unit name: Soldier

Init: Soldier action ["nvGogglesOff", Soldier];

nothing happened, same for trigger...

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Oh, ok. Haven't tried it myself.

Wiki says: "AI controlled units will automatically put on and take off goggles depending on daylight." So they probably overwrite your action instantly.

What if you use disableAI before nvGogglesOff?

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yeah, good idea, I can try it...

What category I have to try? ANIM?

Edited by D3VL3R

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DisableAI have not effect :(

Any other idea?

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No idea other than removing the NVG, sorry. :(

You could remove the NVG while your soldier is inside a very small trigger around the fireplace and add the NVGs as soon as he leaves this area, I suppose.

#edit: tried, it work's fine:

small round trigger grouped with the unit

settings: vehicle repeatedly present

condition: this;

on act: NameOfYourOPFORUnit unlinkitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";

on deact: NameOfYourOPFORUnit linkitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";/

That way the guy won't wear his NVGs as long as he's inside the trigger and alive. As soon as he leaves to trigger or dies, he'll have the NVGs back.

Edited by Pergor

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Yeah, but I want take off NV Goggles only from eyes of unit, but not from head...

Same situation, when player press "N", when is NV active, then is NV on eyes, deactive, NV is on head. But I dont know, how it simulate on NPC

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I may be wrong and there might be some complex workaround, but it looks like the AI activating the NVG is hardcoded in the engine.

Create a repeating script for nvGogglesOff so AI doesn't have the time to put the goggles back on? :D

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You can try

       if (side _x == west) then {
               _x unassignItem "NVGoggles";
               _x removeItem "NVGoggles";

} foreach allunits;

In the mission init.sqf add the above which is set up for NATO units but you can change "(side _x == west)" to the faction you wish to have no NVGs AT ALL then change "_x unassignItem "NVGoggles";" and "_x removeItem "NVGoggles";" to the classname of nvgs for that faction. Each faction uses different classname for nvgs.

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I know all this information, but my problem is, how have NV on head and no on eyes at night...

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Yeah, but I want take off NV Goggles only from eyes of unit, but not from head...

Ah, okay, I get you now.

But, let's be honest: Isn't that merely an aesthetical problem? It's good that you created the ticket and all, but I suppose no player would be angry if the NVGs weren't on the head.

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You have right, it is about theory...

Why you can command to force shoot and there is no command for this? Logic? I am rigorous on every detail. :P

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You have right, it is about theory...

Why you can command to force shoot and there is no command for this? Logic? I am rigorous on every detail. :P

Academic interest is the purest of all urges. ;)

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