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While Alive

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I have been looking in too this for over a day now and i still dont get it.

i have tryed many things but dident realy work out.

I am using a script too simulate a mortar attack on a FOB

but i want that if you kill the mortar gunner the script will stop repeating the simulation and will stop

Script i used

//null=["ARTY_Sh_122_HE",target,0.8,220,30,50]execVM "artillery.sqf"
_ammotype  = _this select 0;//ARTY_Sh_122_HE    type of ammo to be used
_target    = _this select 1;//target of artillery fire
_delay     = _this select 2;//0.8 delay between each shell
_height    = _this select 3;//220 height shells will fall from
_amount    = _this select 4;//30 total shells fired
_spread    = _this select 5;//50 how close they will be to the target

hint "1"; // this is too see if the script is working.

while {alive gunner _mortar} do { //<--------------- Added by me

for "_x" from 1 to _amount do {
_targetpos = [getPos _target select 0, getPos _target select 1, _height];
_Strike = createVehicle [_ammotype, _targetpos, [], _spread, "NONE"];
_Strike  allowdamage false;
_Strike  setvectorup [0,9,0.1];
_Strike setvelocity [0,0,-200];
sleep _delay;
hint "2"; // this is too see if the loop is working

now the problem is that i have tryed to make a unit with

_Mortar = createvehicle etc.

and i have tryed

_Mortar = [mortar]

(mortar is the name of the unit in game.)

non of this examples did realy work out.

except the script runned but still dident stop when i shot that gunner.

in the state the script is now it will not work since there is no _mortar yet.

I hope somone is able to help me that would be great.

thanks :D

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Don't use the underscore when you create the mortar and don't use it in your script.

Mortar = createvehicle etc

while {alive gunner mortar} do {

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Okey but how to connect the variable to an object or somting like that. what i want is that if mortar is dead that his script will stop

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Where did you put:

_Mortar = createvehicle etc...

I think:

_Mortar = createvehicle etc...

while {alive gunner _mortar} do {

must be on the same script (local).

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Not really following but you could use target and when that is destroyed end the shelling.

null=["ARTY_Sh_122_HE",mortar,0.8,220,30,50]execVM "artillery.sqf"

//null=["ARTY_Sh_122_HE",target,0.8,220,30,50]execVM "artillery.sqf"
_ammotype  = _this select 0;//ARTY_Sh_122_HE    type of ammo to be used
_target    = _this select 1;//target of artillery fire
_delay     = _this select 2;//0.8 delay between each shell
_height    = _this select 3;//220 height shells will fall from
_amount    = _this select 4;//30 total shells fired
_spread    = _this select 5;//50 how close they will be to the target

hint "1"; // this is too see if the script is working.

for "_x" from 1 to _amount do {
_targetpos = [getPos _target select 0, getPos _target select 1, _height];
_Strike = createVehicle [_ammotype, _targetpos, [], _spread, "NONE"];
_Strike  allowdamage false;
_Strike  setvectorup [0,9,0.1];
_Strike setvelocity [0,0,-200];
sleep _delay;
hint "2"; // this is too see if the loop is working
if (!alive gunner _target)  exitwith {hint "Dead"};   


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I will explain it again.

I have a mission where i need an AI mortar to fire at some point on the map (target T1)

but when the mortar starts to fire the player will get a new task to destroy the enemy mortar. So i want that if the mortar is dead that the script stops running.

because this script simulates a mortar attack and the shells are spawned by the script and not shot from the mortar it self.

so i did put in the part with while alive.

But he doesnt see that unit in the game with the name mortar. If he dies the script needs to stop spawning the shells.

This is the trigger that starts the script.

null=["ARTY_Sh_122_HE",T1,7,220,30,70]execVM "artillery.sqf" 

Here i tryed to make a mortar maby the script would recognize it as _mortar but still dident work.

//null=["ARTY_Sh_122_HE",target,0.8,220,30,50]execVM "artillery.sqf" 
_ammotype  = _this select 0;//ARTY_Sh_122_HE    type of ammo to be used
_target    = _this select 1;//target of artillery fire
_delay     = _this select 2;//0.8 delay between each shell
_height    = _this select 3;//220 height shells will fall from
_amount    = _this select 4;//30 total shells fired
_spread    = _this select 5;//50 how close they will be to the target
Mortar = "2b14_82mm_TK_EP1" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "mr"); 
m1 moveingunner mortar;
hint "1";

while {alive gunner _mortar} do {

for "_x" from 1 to _amount do {
_targetpos = [getPos _target select 0, getPos _target select 1, _height];
_Strike = createVehicle [_ammotype, _targetpos, [], _spread, "NONE"];
_Strike  allowdamage false;
_Strike  setvectorup [0,9,0.1];
_Strike setvelocity [0,0,-200];
sleep _delay;
hint "2";

so the problem is i need to connect _mortar to the unit in game or somting like that and then if you kill the mortar the script needs to stop spawning the shells :D

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Sorry I wasn't follow in, I thought the mortar man was the target of other mortars and when he died stop the arty.

This should work now

//null=["ARTY_Sh_122_HE",target,0.8,220,30,50]execVM "artillery.sqf" 
_ammotype  = _this select 0;//ARTY_Sh_122_HE    type of ammo to be used
_target    = _this select 1;//target of artillery fire
_delay     = _this select 2;//0.8 delay between each shell
_height    = _this select 3;//220 height shells will fall from
_amount    = _this select 4;//30 total shells fired
_spread    = _this select 5;//50 how close they will be to the target
Mortar = "2b14_82mm_TK_EP1" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "mr"); 
m1 moveingunner mortar;
hint "1";

while {alive gunner mortar} do {

for "_x" from 1 to _amount do {
    if (!alive gunner mortar)  exitwith {hint "exit for loop"};   
_targetpos = [getPos _target select 0, getPos _target select 1, _height];
_Strike = createVehicle [_ammotype, _targetpos, [], _spread, "NONE"];
_Strike  allowdamage false;
_Strike  setvectorup [0,9,0.1];
_Strike setvelocity [0,0,-200];
sleep _delay;
hint "2";



Edited by F2k Sel

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Thanks i will take a look at it this evening i will let you know if it works :D

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Yo thanks man it works the only problem i still have is that for some reason it spawnes 2 mortars.

And can i just remove that hint?


Nevermind fixed it :D

Edited by Derox
I fixed it

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