Murcielago_ESP 3 Posted February 24, 2014 . DOWNLOAD LINK: . Please take a look to my new creation. It is a new Capture The Flag mission system, I called CTF+ system (By the way guys there is no Capture The Flag "tools" in the current Arma 3 version). This CTF+ system is a brand new one and it only uses 2 public variables and does not use triggers. CTF+ has been created from the beginning with the idea of being light and solid.. CTF+ system has been properly tested and is so light it allows to add new features to the game! Knife kill system, tag system, smart marker system, friendly fire system, complex scenario design... all having a minimal impact in game performance!. CTF+ system is also easy to use! If you have some Arma editing knowledge you will be able to have your own mission in less than an hour because I created the CTF+ system as template concept (It is almost copy and paste!). The CTF+ system (Template) will be translated to some languages. Currently it features English and Spanish languages.. We are going to try to translate it to as many languages as we can."If you do not have an epic moment after playing CTF+ for some time I will return your money back ;)"Please feel free to use my codes/systems but I only ask to mention the original author. I spent a lot of hour to create a brand new revolutionary professional goodlooking Capture The Flag and I'm not charging for it. In addition I did not try to hide anything.I'm currently working in a competition version of CTF+ system with more revolutionary features...Stay tuned!Thanks for your timeMurcielago24 February 2014OxfordEngland(A 14min video is a short video because this Capture The Flag system has details of quality every where!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr death jm 117 Posted February 24, 2014 very nice, im glad, im only into making 2 ctf missions so far, im going to test this and redo my ctf :O). in another post I was asking for ff, does the have the needed scripts for ff (not ctf)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pony 10 Posted February 24, 2014 Excellent work. Very professional. I look forward to getting on a server that runs this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murcielago_ESP 3 Posted February 24, 2014 Thanks guys! I hope more people see that you can do things like this with Arma 3. It takes time to create something like this, specially if you do it alone! But it is a pleasure to see it working and it is even a bigger pleasure to be the person who create it. My missions work... very well from the beggining to the end thanks to how I do the code. Using this methode I created things like The Silent Rescue (Arma 2), DM4+ (Arma 3), TDM+ (Arma 3) and CTF+ (Arma 3) This missions contains amazing codes... and huge performance! Why pleople does not change the way they do the code? At least I'm glad that Dr Death JM understood the message as he wants to review his work after seen my CTF+ system. Dr Death JM, I do not understnad this part of your message "in another post I was asking for ff, does the have the needed scripts for ff (not ctf)?" Dr Death JM, about creating... systems like I love to do, mate the CFT have been the hardest one! I'm not new on this... I love creating systems and share them so feel free to use them. About my CTF+ is the most advanced thing I created as a product! To use it is almost copy and paste! But the easier way is to modify one mission to create yours. Thanks for your time Miguel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3550 Posted February 25, 2014 Good to see something like this. Is it possible if you could make something like your firing range from arma2 for arma3? It would be awesome to have it in arma3 since I'm sure many people enjoyed it. Keep up the good work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murcielago_ESP 3 Posted February 25, 2014 Dear Grumpy Old Man, I only going to say you... :) ... Mate... Yes! I'm on that project too... I was working on it when I realize that with the last patches my CTF+ system works perfectly... I made CTF+ some time ago but I stopped it because I knew that Arma 3 bugs were killing my study... I normally like to create brand new codes so I spend some time studing how I can do this or that... I decided to stop for a moment that project and finish the CTF one because I know there is a huge lack of quality PVP missions in Arma 3. About my shooting range for Arma 3... I will tell to you that I'm not alone on this project and that I'm going to carry on with the same quality and idea... QUALITY and CODES THAT YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Stay tuned! And spread the word. We need more content that works properly. I hope my work will make think twice, users and content creators. Some famous Youtube channels are making jokes about my loved game because the bugs and the poor quality of its content. I hope they can see my work ;) This is why I do what I do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr death jm 117 Posted February 26, 2014 I can say this , this is one of the most advanced ive ever seen, I was editing 1 mission all day ... then I deleted it... your ctf is awesome, im going to wait till im a bit better at it befor I try editing what you made ... funny thing is your hack detection, simple but I desisde to spawn a veh in edit mode to drive around , I was making ctf to big anywat short story I got message why , lol so im telling you here I had made a ctf (yours) on 2 sides of bay, (boating ctf) but after I made it all I desisde to start testing boats (spawn with mission editor) , yup I again got WHY, .. I know why now lol... sorry for spelling .. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3550 Posted February 27, 2014 Excellent news, I spent a plethora of hours in your shooting range, especially the multiplayer part was awesome. Really looking forward to this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites