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Help finding suitable cargo script? ARMA3

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Hi there,

I have searched around on here and Armaholic, basically all i want to be able to do is drag/move ammo boxes around and place them into vehicles, must work for multiplayer.

I have tinkered around with a few scripts already, the BTC one wouldnt let me drag the crates around, basically im trying to find the script used on most of the ARMA3 wasteland missions.

If anyone could help me find one suitable, that would be great!



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IgiLoad Script is kickass. I saw the SwissMaverick video today showing it off. Cant wait to add it to my missions.

Just tested the basics on it, and it's a great script. It's great to be able to load up a zodiak onto a mohawk and paradrop it, or load it into the back of a transport truck and unload it on the beach.

Edited by RTEK

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