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[COOP-06] Assault on Zargabad

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In January 2033 the oil crisis is a fact. The nations of the world enter in the biggest energy crisis in the entire history of mankind. Russia has exhausted its reserves in the baltic sea and mercilessly attack any country possessing oil. The NATO countries also suffer for the needs of oil and are not willing to miss a single oil well. The new oil wells discovered in Zargabad have led attack Russian forces and former militia Taliban are taking positions for a new war. NATO deployed a new fighting force to recover the oil wells and eliminate Taliban forces in the area.

Our mission is to neutralize the forces of the Russian side and the Taliban. We will release civilian homes, recover oil wells and remove Taliban positions across the area Zarbagad.

MIssion profile:

MIssion type: Coop 06

Revive: Yes (Wound system)

Respawn: Yes (tickets: 12)

Support Module: Air attack, artillery.

Vehicles: Trucks, BTR.

Added new startup parameters to the mission

Maps & addons to play the mission:

Arma 3 Mappack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23863

Arma 3 Russians by sudden: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18836

Arma 3 Aggresors: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24441

Update mission to version 2.2

Removed VAS

Added Virtual Arsenal

Added pre-load Virtual Arsenal

Fixed Markers No errors on Coop

Fixed init

Added ammo marker.





Edited by djotacon

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Update to mission into main post.

Edited by djotacon

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Updated mission into main post

Edited by djotacon

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Hi !

I tested a little bit your mission before playing it with my group. You can remove vcom: it's completly bugged, at least in this mission (first time I'm seeing it implemented).

You aggro half the map with just a few shots and, while still fighting in the first ruined compound north of the starting area, I manage to "clear" the first 3 objectives just because AI where leaving to attack me.

I disabled it and I got regular behaviour.

Thx for releasing this mission, it looks really promising !! :)

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You can disable VCOM using the startup parameter (disabled by default).

VCOM and all the scripts/mods are in the same way right now (beta/alpha/etc).

This mission will be updated in the near future and I try to add the latest version on STEAM and here too ( If I have time ;) )

If you found problems with VCOM don't use it. Instead use the regular SKILL settings provided with the startup parameters.

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Updated mission into main post

Edited by djotacon

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Great mission Thankyou.

Edited by Longboat

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Update mission to version 2.2

Removed VAS

Added Virtual Arsenal

Added pre-load Virtual Arsenal

Fixed Markers No errors on Coop

Fixed init

Added ammo marker.

Main post file link.

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So keen to play this but not so keen to download those mods. If it were the RHS Russian and Leights OpFor I'd be all over it like a rash.

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Good idea.

I make a new version with this units.

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