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How make certain AI-troops respawn?

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I have searched the forum and the web but of some reason it seems to tricky get a simple answer on this so I post my question: How do I make certain AI-troops (in multiplayer) respawn? I have a feeling (a hope!) that some kind of code in the individual troops Initializing-field would do the trick; some thing like this...

this addeventhandler ["respawn"];

In my description-document I have this respaw code...

    respawn= "BASE";
   respawndelay= 30;

...and I want those conditions to go for that AI-troop as well. By the way; I also want to know how to put a limit how many time it will be possible to respawn.

So... Any ideas?

Edited by Moonbus

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You can make unit placed in editor respawn at base. But they will just stand on respawn point.

Make an enemy unit playable and create respawn marker for his side.

If you using script, you better off creating new units.

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That unfortunately won't solve my problem. Right now I have those AI-units i talk about as multiplayer-playable-units; and that works well BUT I don't want them multiplayer-playable. So to make multiplayer-playable-units not possible to joins as human player would be away round this. Does anyone knows how to do that?

(By the way; I did write wrong above; my units dosen't respawn at base; they respawn on the place they died. I want It like that.)

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