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Help needed: Defend Mission

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Hi I am trying to make a defend mission similar to the defend kamino mission, but I seem to be having a problem with enemy forces spawning in.

for initcurator.sqf I have this:

//--- Event handlers
	_costs = [
		"B_Soldier_F",			0.2,
		"B_Soldier_GL_F",		0.2,
		"B_soldier_AR_F",		0.2,
		"B_Soldier_SL_F",		0.2,
		"B_soldier_M_F",		0.2,
		"B_soldier_LAT_F",		0.2,
		"B_medic_F",		0.2,
		"B_soldier_repair_F",		0.2,
		"B_soldier_exp_F",		0.2,
		"B_Helipilot_F",		0.2,
		"B_spotter_F",		0.4,
		"B_sniper_F",			0.4,
		"B_Soldier_A_F",		0.2,
		"B_soldier_AT_F",		0.2,
		"B_soldier_AA_F",			0.2,
		"B_engineer_F",			0.2,
		"B_crew_F",		0.2,
		"B_recon_F",			0.5,
		"B_recon_LAT_F",		0.5,
		"B_recon_exp_F",		0.5,
		"B_recon_medic_F",		0.5,
		"B_recon_TL_F",			0.5,
		"B_recon_M_F",			0.5,
		"B_recon_JTAC_F",			0.5,
		"B_soldier_AAR_F",			0.2,
		"B_soldier_AAT_F",		0.2,
		"B_soldier_AAA_F",		0.2,
		"B_helicrew_F",		0.2,

		"B_MRAP_01_hmg_F",		1.25,
		"B_MRAP_01_gmg_F",		1.25,
		"B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F",		2.0,
		"B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F",	3.0,
		"B_MBT_01_cannon_F",		4.0,
		"B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F",		4.5,
		"B_Heli_Attack_01_F",		5.5

	_class = _this select 0;
	_index = _costs find _class;
	if (_index >= 0) then {
		[_costs select (_index + 1),true]
	} else {
] call bis_fnc_onCuratorObjectRegistered;

	_object = _this select 0;
	_object allowCrewInImmobile true;
	_object unassignitem "nvgoggles";
	_object removeitem "nvgoggles";
	_object removeweapon "binocular";
	_object addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";
	_object setskill 0.25;
	_object allowfleeing 0;
	_object lock true;
	_veh = vehicle _object;
	if (_veh != _object) then {
		_veh flyinheight 100;
		clearmagazinecargoglobal _veh;
		clearweaponcargoglobal _veh;
		clearitemcargoglobal _veh;
		_veh addeventhandler ["fired",{(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1;}]; //--- Unlimited vehicle ammo, remove it in the future
	_object addeventhandler [
			(_this select 0) setvehicleammo (0.3 + random 0.2);
] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;

and then for the init.sqf I have this:

#include "initcurator.sqf";

[player,["A3_Modules_F_Intel"]] call bis_fnc_curatoraddplaceableaddons;

enablesaving [false,false];

if anyone could lend a hand, it would be very much appreciated.

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Have you also tried this in the init.sqf:

[] execVM "initcurator.sqf";

Edited by Ranwer

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Have you also tried this in the init.sqf:
[] execVM "initcurator.sqf";

I just did, same thing as before with enemies not spawning.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I've watched tutorials on how to set-up defend missions and looked into the official BIS missions in the editor.

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I'm also having an issue with this.
In Eden editor, runnning debug, I get this error on mission load 

File C:\Users\goblins\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\king%20kung%20fo1\missions\Wave Defense.altis\initcurator.sqf, line 54
] call |#|bis_fnc_oncuratorObjectRegistered;

Error Undefined variable in expression bis_fnc_oncuratorobjectregistered.

I followed a tutorial from this link.

I Have exactly the same initcurator.sqf as Friskey Dingo.

I have followed step by step, and replaced the Curator synced to the OPFOR side with the Zeus Master Control Module, which has been mentioned in another post.

No enemies are spawning. What is going wrong?

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That function does not exist.

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True, but he's not adding the eventHandler properly, he's calling it as  function, or am I mistaking something here?

I wasn't directing that at your comment, mearly stating a matter of fact, so that he may know to try implementation of the EH over the non-existent function.

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