linuxmaster9 101 Posted February 2, 2014 I want to remove the entire wounding system in Wasteland(wounding, healing, etc) and replace it with ACE Medical. How can I do this? I noticed that Wasteland wounding is really well meshed in there. I read, as well as, based on reading more into the ACE wounding system, this appears to replace the EH for taking damage. ace_w_allow_dam The question is, where is the file that contains the EH I need to replace with this? Also, it appears that Proving Grounds has ACE wounding support built in. The question there is, how can I adjust proving grounds to use ACE to the fullest? "client\init.sqf" contains all eventhandlers for players, and also the file "client\functions\antiCheatClient.sqf" This is what I think it would look like but I am unsure. player addEventHandler ["handledamage", {[_this] call ace_w_allow_dam;}]; so, as far as I can tell, the Event Handler I added made no difference. Can someone tell me what I should do then? Do i have to remove the stock one? If so, what is it called and where is it? Is my syntax wrong? I have added the ACE Wounds Logic module in the editor as well as player setvariable ["ace_w_allow_dam",true,true]; //Receives damage, to the client\init.sqf to no avail. I also have to contend with the Gun store and General Store AI taking shots and dying using ACE. Also, it seems to ACE interact keys use the same key handler as the gun store and general store activation keys. Is there a way to add those to the ACE interaction menu or move them to a scroll wheel function? I would of course prefer to add them to ACE Interact. If I activate them as they are now, ACE keys do not work. So, to use ACE I have to disable the key handler. Here is the relevant code from the Key handler sections: From client/init.sqf //Setup Key Handler //waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))}; //(findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call onKeyPress"]; From client/clientEvents/onKeyPress.sqf private["_handled", "_faceCP", "_faceVP"]; _key = _this select 1; _shift = _this select 2; _handled = false; if(isstunned) exitwith { if(_key == 50)then{_handled = true}; if(_key == 11)then{_handled = true}; _handled }; switch _key do { //U key case 22: { execVM "client\systems\adminPanel\checkAdmin.sqf"; }; //tilde case 41: { [] call loadPlayerMenu; }; //E key case 18: { if(vehicle player != player) exitwith{}; // Check the player is not a car. if(!alive player) exitwith{}; // Check the player is not dead. private ["_storeInteractionBuffer","_storeInteractionZone","_currPos","_store","_relativeDir","_absoluteDir"]; _storeInteractionBuffer = 10; // The acceptable +/- look direction for interacting with stores. Higher = wider look angle. _storeInteractionZone = 3; // The furthest away the player can be from a store to interact with it. Higher = further. _currPos = getPosATL player; _gunStore = nearestObjects [_currPos, ["CIV_Contractor1_BAF"], _storeInteractionZone]; _genStore = nearestObjects [_currPos, ["TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1"], _storeInteractionZone]; if (!isNull (_gunStore select 0)) then { _relativeDir = [player, _gunStore select 0] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; _absoluteDir = abs _relativeDir; if (_absoluteDir < _storeInteractionBuffer OR _absoluteDir > (360 - _storeInteractionBuffer)) then { //Great success! Player is actually looking at the store keeper and is close by. if (dialog) exitwith { closeDialog 0; }; // Check a current dialog is not already active. [] spawn loadGunStore; }; }; if (!isNull (_genStore select 0)) then { _relativeDir = [player, _genStore select 0] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; _absoluteDir = abs _relativeDir; if (_absoluteDir < _storeInteractionBuffer OR _absoluteDir > (360 - _storeInteractionBuffer)) then { //Great success! Player is actually looking at the store keeper and is close by. if (dialog) exitwith { closeDialog 0; }; // Check a current dialog is not already active. [] spawn loadGeneralStore; }; }; }; }; _handled; I would really appreciate someone figuring this thing out. It is a couple of the last few things driving me nuts. Here is a copy of the mission so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted February 3, 2014 Closing - please try to search when posting. Posting this in the ACE thread would have been better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites