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AI Para drop

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Has this simple thing (ofp, arma, arma2, arma2 OA) been sorted yet in Arma 3?

I want ai to paradrop from a helo.

I have tried adding parachutes to the ai and it still didn't work.

I have all the eject scripts used in all other games with no probs.

Now in one of the campaign vids, I noticed a para drop. Was wondering if anyone has de-pbo'ed it or could point me to the mission so I can extract it and have a look.



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I tried to make a simple paradrop script but couldn't find a simple solution for various problems.

Either the ejecting paratroopers damage the choppers main rotors when ejecting (even if chopper is hovering), the mohawk and ghosthawk had the best results for dropping paratroops without getting damaged.

Another problem was that AI soldiers dropped dead when they touched down in their parachutes for unknown reasons.

Would really like to know if there is a working script out there.

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This Works in my mission:

_vehicle = _this select 0;

_list = assignedCargo _vehicle;


unAssignVehicle _x;

_x allowDamage false;

moveOut _x;

sleep 0.35;

_chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", (getPos _x), [], 0, "NONE"];

_chute setPos (getPos _x);

_x moveinDriver _chute;

_x allowDamage true;

sleep 0.5;

} forEach _list;

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This Works in my mission:

_vehicle = _this select 0;

_list = assignedCargo _vehicle;


unAssignVehicle _x;

_x allowDamage false;

moveOut _x;

sleep 0.35;

_chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", (getPos _x), [], 0, "NONE"];

_chute setPos (getPos _x);

_x moveinDriver _chute;

_x allowDamage true;

sleep 0.5;

} forEach _list;

Nope, this doesn't work.

Has anyone found the part campaign where the para drop happens?



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Nope, this doesn't work.

Has anyone found the part campaign where the para drop happens?



Uhm, maybe something has changed in the last update. I am not at home, so I cannot recheck my misión right now, but if you are able, try it, it´s on my signature, and should work.

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Put this in ON ACT: of a trigger or waypoint.

_drop =[uH80,100] execVM ""eject.sqf"


UH80 = The name of your Transport Helo (named in the editor or via a script)

100 = The height in metres you want the chutes to auto open @ (Optional. if not declared Paras will auto open chute @ 100m)


   Filename: Simple ParaDrop Script v2.5 eject.sqf
   Author: Beerkan:
   Additional contributions cobra4v320

    A simple paradrop script that ejects all units assigned as cargo onboard, including players and AI (excluding crew) regardless of group assignments, side etc.
    If you're in the aircraft you're getting thrown out.

   0: VEHICLE  - vehicle that will be doing the paradrop (object)
   1: ALTITUDE - (optional) the altitude where the group will open their parachute (number)

  _drop = [vehicle, altitude] execVM "eject.sqf"

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
private ["_vehicle","_chuteHeight","_paras"];
_vehicle = _this select 0; 
_chuteheight = if ( count _this > 1 ) then { _this select 1 } else { 101 };
_paras = assignedcargo _vehicle;
_vehicle allowDamage false;

private ["_dir"];
_dir = direction _vehicle;    

   unassignVehicle _x;
   _x allowDamage false;
   _x action ["EJECT", _vehicle];
   _x setDir (_dir + 90);
   sleep 0.35;// So units are not too far spread out.
} forEach _paras;

   waitUntil {(position _x select 2) < _chuteheight};
   _chute = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", position _x, [], ((_dir)- 5 + (random 10)), 'FLY'];
   _chute setPos (getPos _x);
   _x moveInDriver _chute;
} forEach _paras;

sleep 2; // Allows Paratroopers to clear Helo, including C130.

_vehicle allowDamage true;

paraLandSafe = 
   private ["_unit"];
   _unit = _this select 0;

   (vehicle _unit) allowDamage false;    

   waitUntil { isTouchingGround _unit || (position _unit select 2) < 1 };
   _unit action ["EJECT", vehicle _unit];
   sleep 0.5;// Para Units sometimes get damaged on landing. Wait 0.5 to prevent this.
   _unit allowDamage true;

 [_x] spawn paraLandSafe;
} forEach _paras;

Edited by Beerkan

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Nope, this doesn't work.

Has anyone found the part campaign where the para drop happens?



I'm afraid you have not tried the script, nor the mission. Both work perfectly, around 60 men jumping from 3 choppers at a time. If I'm wrong, please do not hesitate to send you mission file and I'll check it out.

Beerkan script also works, but I like mine because you dont need to declare the group.

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... but I like mine because you dont need to declare the group.
Updated my previos post with script. i.e. You no longer need to declare group. Everyone onboard, except crew gets thrown out. Edited by Beerkan

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Since 1.12 the you can use the old school eject script with a helo full of Para Troopers.



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There's still a chance that some paratroops will kill each other when ejecting, at least from the mh9

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